Do recent performances of Nova Uniao fighters influence your opinion on Gadelha -JJ?

Nah, recent performances have only confirmed the opinion I already had about CH and Nova Uniao.
I know what's wrong with nova uniao
In that group you're talking about, the only one who should have won his fight is Aldo.

Gadelha and Barao just ran into talented, red-hot fighters. And now Barao is feeling the effect of going up on weight: stronger and longer opponents requiring big adjustments.

and conor is neither of those right?

lmao so fuckin salty.
Any fighter who tries to pull the Old Vitor move of running at your opponent throwing a flurry risks running into a fist. That includes Werdum and Aldo. Their opponents did not cover up and back straight up, cowering from the blitz. Instead they kept their eyes on the target; their opponents jaw, which was wide open. Additionally, nerves and pressure of the big fight appeared to play a role. In Barao's case, I believe lack of heart and confidence played a role as well; unfortunately, Stephens was lacking neither.

But I'm no expert, I just pretend to be one online.
If wbw = womens' bantamweight and TAM = team alpha male, then no.
But I fully agree with what you're saying.
Right on, I thought she used to be she with xtreme couture?
We don't know, we can only find out July 8th. NU is having a tough year but don't forget that we had quite a bit for title changes lately so you never know.