Do most guys not like it when girls say they are cute?

I knew a guy who really didn’t like it. Guy was a manlet with a lot of insecurities and automatically assumed a woman calling him was intended to be demeaning. It’s no more than a projection

It's okay buddy, let it go.
Cute is a good sign in my opinion.

Conversely, I only call the girls I really like cute. It's just a secret way for me to let them know without them knowing or something. Who knows.
Cute is for effeminate beta men.

For example a chick might say Michael cerra is cute. you think that term was applied to Arnie?
''cute'' isn't really a term used in the UK,can't say it'd bother me one way or the other.
If a young hot chick calls me cute nowadays I take it as an affirmation that I have absolutely no chance with her.
Sweet is better than cute imo. If a man is sweet then he's ahead of the others. Sweet is hot. I don't mean that as its code for hot, I mean being a sweet dude is attractive as fuck.
Gives me hope!!! As I have been called both!!
It's never what they say, it's all about HOW they say it.
When I met a chick online for drinks and she called me cute....I knew I was going to go home happy that night.

If a girl calls you cute and you don't seal the deal, it's most likely because you asked her about your looks or said something insecure that made her just say that you're cute to make you feel better. If she just says it without you provoking it at all....then you're in.