DNC Leaked Emails Thread v2: #DNCleaks #NothingToSeeHere

The donor thing shouldn't surprise anyone. That is standard Capitol Hill politics. I can no more tar the DNC for that one when I've never commented on it for all of the previous years at any level of government.

Hell, I read about it when I was reading Theodore Roosevelt's biography and I didn't bat an eyelash then.

If every element of traditional political sausage making is going to get a thread then people are going to be surprised at just how things do/don't get done. I do think the Sanders thing was a problem since they potentially scuttled a viable candidate for cronyism. But this?
Her classifie... i mean personal emails are a national security issue(oh shit)

235 days since Hillary's last press conference.
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I haven't been following this one. What's the worst of it so far?

That up to 87 million dollars was stolen from general DNC coffers, and given to Clinton's campaign.

That this is evidence that this election was stolen from Bernie.

Of course some seem to think it is about the Tacobowl, or Russia.
The donor thing shouldn't surprise anyone. That is standard Capitol Hill politics. I can no more tar the DNC for that one when I've never commented on it for all of the previous years at any level of government.

Hell, I read about it when I was reading Theodore Roosevelt's biography and I didn't bat an eyelash then.

If every element of traditional political sausage making is going to get a thread then people are going to be surprised at just how things do/don't get done. I do think the Sanders thing was a problem since they potentially scuttled a viable candidate for cronyism. But this?

So you don't think it is an issue, that Democratic voters gave Bernie a huge fundraising advantage, and that the DNC used it's general coffers, to fund her election and erase that advantage?

Even as a hardcore party member I don't know how anyone can support this. Do you not care about the down ticket at all for the Democrats?

Are you really OK with emptying the treasury to defeat another Democrat?
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Its just more evidence that Trump is plant, meant for controlled opposition. We have evidence of high level corruption that subverts the democratic process, direct lines between political players and the supposed "media", and now evidence that the White House traded appointments for donations........and now Trump makes sure all of that will get overlooked and this becomes a party vs party shit slingingfest again.
Yeah Trump is just a Democratic plant to get Hillary into office.


That up to 87 million dollars was stolen from general DNC coffers, and given to Clinton's campaign.

That this is evidence that this election was stolen from Bernie.

Of course some seem to think it is about the Tacobowl, or Russia.


Lets say that we hacked Russia and found evidence that Putin was rigging elections, or had done something criminal. Do democrats think it would be unethical of us to share that information with Russian people?

We do release that type of information but Putin controls what information is allowed into the country--not as tightly as the Chinese because he's not that good at it--but he has news sources that publish unflattering material labeled as "extremists" and shut down.

Luckily they can't do that in the US yet.

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