diet and training of an aspiring judoka


Dave Camarillo idoliser
Jun 15, 2008
Reaction score
I'm a 26 year old 5'8 tall current weighing 93kg at a guess around 16% body fat.

20 years playing rugby including making a national representative team.

looking for a new challenge/and some extra training for rugby i took up brazilian jiujitsu which i trained in for 6 months,looking for something more applicable to rugby i decided to try judo and instantly fell in love its been a cure for depression as well as encouraging me to lead an all round healthier lifestyle.

trained at my current club for just over two and a half years with a break of a few months in which time i trained in australia.

I've continued to train BJJ off and on since starting judo at times its been once a week at times 4-5 times a week,and occasionally not training in bjj at all for a few weeks,i've competed in 2 (bjj)tournaments and had one mma fight.

I've decided to really dedicate my self to having a big year of judo competition with the goal being to medal at nationals and all going well push for national squad selection.

as part of my plan for improved performance i'm going to start lifting again and eating better in the hopes of getting leaner,stronger and fitter.

I'm in pretty terrible shape at the moment with a fat stomach and a bit disgusted at myself for letting myself go so bad over the past few months,but its time to fix that.

will be training judo three times a week,lifting two-three times and training BJJ atleast once.
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Best of luck.

Are you going to be posting your judo and bjj training as well or just your strength and conditioning?
Best of luck.

Are you going to be posting your judo and bjj training as well or just your strength and conditioning?

will post all training as well as diet,some competition videos,and basically anything related to my judo/fitness/strength.
May as well start with last nights judo.
our instructor was away,
as a warm up we joined in with the end of the kids class as throwing dummies/randori partners for the kids.

once the kids were finished we went straight in to newaza and i was asked to show a few techniques.
started off with basic arm bar from guard,then triangle.
then chained arm bar-triangle-arm bar as your opponent defends submission attempts (arm bar from guard,as the opponent pulls there arm out transition to triangle, as the opponent attempts to posture up under hook the leg hip out to the side throw leg over for arm bar.)

then a basic sweep from half guard take a whizzer on the opponents right arm(blocks them from posting) post up on your right(inside) foot, bridge your hips up and over on the angle towards your left shoulder while driving your right arm up straight and under your opponents left arm-pit rolling them over and in to osaekomi.

Newaza randori 4x5 minute rounds,managed to submit a visiting black belt with a bow and arrow/ okuri eri so was happy with that.
good;subbed every one i rolled with.
bad;have become a bit loose,always looking to transition and scramble,in training i've been looking for subs (particularly straight arm bars)more and more over the last few months and while they are coming along well its been at the expense of top control,and my osaekomi waza has become a bit weak.

grip fighting rounds of 3x30 secs with 10 secs rest in between three times.
worked with the visiting black belt he was a bit older (late thirties and had not trained for a while)he was very old school and did not really grip fight he freely gave up the inside lapel grip (left vs right) and then would switch to a left handed posture.
next did some moving uchikomi up and down the mat throwing at the end of the mat. osoto gari was good although could do with greater chest contact, seoi nage too loose on the shoulder.

tachiwaza randori.
got in 2 rounds with a training partner who gave me a bit of trouble last week and perfomed far better against him this week,landed a few uchimatas,a drop seoi nage, and a couple of sumi gaeshi against him.

one round with another guy same weight and grade as me who usually gives me a bit of trouble but has been a way for a while worked on various entries/set-ups for drop seoi and went well.

a couple of rounds with lighter guys.
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6am; 4 egg omelette with a cup of stirfry vegetables.
11:30 am, 1/2 cup wholegrain pasta,200gram beef mince
2pm,150g smoked salmon,150g coleslaw
3pm gym
3.45 200ml milk,30g whey,teaspoon greens powder
7pm 200g beef mince

gym work out
squat 1x5x60kg

OHP 1x5 30kg
1x5 40kg
3x5 50kg (failed on last rep)

pull ups 3xf (10,8,8)

really disappointed with how weak I've got but oh well only one way to fix that.
morning weight 93.1kg
5;30am 4 eggs and veges
11am 150g salmon,coleslaw
1pm 1hr jog not sure on distance at a guess around 4 miles.
2.15 200ml milk,30g whey protien,1 tea spoon greens tablespoon peanut butter,banana
4.30 200g diced beef,150g vegetables.
7 judo
9 4 chicken drum sticks,half cup wholegrain pasta,bowl of vegetables.
judo last night was hellish was still sore from first day at the gym tuesday.
drilled turn overs
4x5min rounds newaza
100 uchikomi
30secs on 10secs off grip fighting times 5 rounds
4x4min rounds
had one round rest
4x4min rounds
one round rest
one round with instructor

all in all not too bad got thrown with a drop seoi thanks to being too aggressive with the high grip,and thrown once with harai by instructor after settling in a bad grip.
Kenken uchi mata was going ok,ouchi gari-sumi gaeshi combination is working great for me,have to get tighter with the arm on my drop seoi over rotated on a few and believe that to be the problem,managed to get the high grip on my instructor and lock him down which i usually struggle with as he is taller and heavier than i am, Its never been my grip as i'm quite short but starting to play with it more and more.

we finished with some conditioning.
with a partner perform 10 uchikomi you both do 10 sprawls sprint length of the mat partner does 10 uchikomi 10 sprawls sprint to the end of dojo 9 uchikomi 9 spralws and so on down.
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judo last night heavy newaza day.

warm up, jogging,stretching,shrimping,mat drags.

30 sec rounds one opponent starts in turtle and defends against oponents attacks x10 switching position then switching partner.

7x10min newaza randori-brutal!

and just to add to the pain conditioning 10 shuttle runs length of the mat,50 push ups,50 squats,50 burpies to finish.
Bjj today, warm up with some flow rolling 3x3min rounds.

2 pairs go in the middle of the mat start from guard 1st points or submission loser rotates with some one else winner stays out 20mins

drilled cross collar choke,and ezekiel from mount x 10mins each.

10x5min rounds rolling.

went reasonably well,managed to sweep a couple of blue belts during the positional sparring,and pass ones guard,rolled with one blue belt,one brown belt and the rest of my rolls were with other white belts. the blue absolutely dominated me,went well with the other blue belts landing alot of triangles and triangle arm bars,need to stop giving up position so much though.
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had a shitty sleep last night and was tired all day so didnt end up lifting today.

my friend that was going to meet me at the gym told me that the other gym he trains has a course of 3 1hr classes mon,tues,wens this week coaching and correcting form on "functional exercises" OHP,bench,deadliifts,squat and variations,olympic lifts,etc so i'm going to attend that.

on Sunday i'm going to meet with a friend who is a personal trainer and after that I'll have my lifting routine nailed down and will be in to it 3 days a week from then on,will prob be similar to starting strength possibly with one day spent learning the oly lifts.

First judo tournament for the year is just two weeks away and then the grade tournament is another 2 weeks after that,its about now that I'm starting to get pissed off with myself for letting my training slip through January and February but with the travel i had to do for work there wasn't much i could do about it,will just have to use it to drive me to work that much harder now.
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have been spending some time with a friend practicing form in the main movements and coming up with a program,am going to start gant grimes program similar to starting strength which has been modified for judo,

workout A: ....... workout B:
power clean 5x3 ....... power clean 5x3
squat 3x5 ............... squat 3x5
bench 3x5 ............ Over head Press 3x5
chin 3x10-15 ............. dead lift 1x5
power clean 1x3 50kg, 1x3 60kg, 5x3 70kg
front squat 2x5 50kg, 3x5 60kg(squats were reasonably easy but first time front squatting so grip was a bit awkward-terrible mobility in my elbows and shoulders)
bench 1x5 60 kg 1x5 70kg 3x5 80kg
chins BW x 12,2x5 bw+10kg

first time at the gym in st a year so just good to get back in there and get a feel for starting weights,will be hitting atleast two sessions a week of this for the next few months then switch to 5/3/1 or similar
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Good stuff in here. I like the modified version of Starting Strength, although the day when you do power cleans, squats AND deadlifts must be a killer.

Do you still play any rugby? What national team did you play in?
thanks i picked up the program from judo forum its written by Gant Grimes a judoka and strength and conditioning coach who trained with Mark rippetoe.

i don't play rugby anymore well not seriously anyway,i found its too hard to play rugby as well as judo and do them both justice and a couple years ago i felt the need for a new challenge,i played in the New Zealand universities team.

Had a tough training session last night our main instructors 2nd session back from europe.

did some new drills hes learned as warm up mainly involving sprints,gymnastic movements and uchikomi.

drilled setting up pick ups/leg grabs,sode tsuri komi-goshi off a grip break,tai otoshi off a grip break.
moving uchi komi: osoto,ouchi,ko soto,seoi,sode,harai,uchimata one after the other working for one minute then changing uke/tori for a total of 15 or so mins.
7x4min rounds newaza
randori 5x3min rounds,one rest
then the killer every one else continued with rounds of randori i did 14 mins of 30secs randori,10secs rest at high intensity with my instructor.

conditioning to finish
partner takes off there belt lies on there back and holds it in there hands you drag them the length of the mat and back,they turn in for harai 10 times you defend with the hip and pick them up each time,repeat drags then harai/pick up 8 times,6,4,2 this killed me!

knee has been sore last week or so,and elbow has been sore since last night(got caught in an armbar) so going to have to watch it over the next week with the years first tournament just a week away.

will not be lifting same day as judo again :)
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Wow inspiring stuff. Where abouts are you training ? I remember reading some posts of yours in the past but I can't recall if you were in Chch or Aklnd?

today was a tough day my coach has asked me if i'd like to strength train with him during the day:
gym12:30- 5 waves; 3 reps squats 30 secs rest 5 hamstring curls 4 mins rest
2 reps squats 30sec rest 5 hamstring curls 4mins rest
1 rep squat 30 secs rest 5 hamstring curls 4mins rest

3 reps 130,2reps 140,1 rep 150kg

body weight back extensions 4 sets 15.
body weight side raises 4sets 8 reps/side

upper body tommorrow.

tonight we had the judo session from hell:

warm up with jogging,break-falls

moving uchikomi down the mat,10 uchikomi in the middle,10 uchikomi at the end 5 laps.
moving uchikomi circling/causing tori to move in to the throw.1min on x5
5x1min grip fighting.
10xsprint the length of gym and back to your partner they cross grip you,you throw them with a pick up.
5x3mins newaza*
paired up with my coach first up and survived reasonably well,then had a couple o rounds with liter guys i took easy then "the black belt" i caught him in an omoplata and he yelled stop,when we restarted he said that he could have escaped but it would have meant rolling in to the people beside us.
i pulled half guard escaped to his back,he turtled and caught him in a rolling bow and arrow/okuri eri jime to which he tapped then told me it was a useless technigue for tournament judo and that i focus on strangles too much when i should be going for armbars because otherwise the ref will stand me up before they tap :s (rolling bow and arrow is undoubtedly my favourite newaza technigue) then i tapped him with an arm bar from guard.

6x5min tachiwaza randori
went really well,did alot better against my instructor tonight after he told me to focus on grip fighting alot more,and to be less aggressive with the attacks/more patient.
did really well against the rest of my training partners.

conditioning to finish
hold your partners sleeves your walk your legs forward until you are in between there legs almost lying on the floor do a pull up,and pull your self back to standing 10 reps each alternating each time.
on your hands and feet (press up position) one hand on a thin crash mat with your partner doing the same you shove the mat backwards down the mat then walk back wards in press up position,do this the length of the mat 3x.

clean your partner (they lie down your grab them by the shoulders and legs,use hip drive to lift them from your knees to shoulders) 10,8,6,4,2 done hardest session ever but on the plus side i'm the instructors training partner every session and hes really pushing me tonight he said "if you want to be a champion you have tow work for it" so maybe he realises how serious i am about judo either way hes a great guy and i love judo.

We've had a black belt coming in on mondays lately who is in his late thirties and used to train at another club,he's been a bit of an arse hole (smashing lighter guys and lower grades,hammering people with direct leg attacks despite being told theyre illegal now,whether it was accidental or not he head butted one of the guys and chipped his tooth during randori,and he was undermining the temporary coach we had while our main coach was in europe criticising his instruction etc, and to me personally when i caught him in randori with a triangle he said "thats not judo and would never work in tournament"
anyway while at the gym today my coach said that he wanted to teach the guy a lesson tonight so we were going to have a hard training to see if he could keep up,and that if i was paired with him not to hold back.
3 bench at 90kg 3 chins +10kg
2 bench 95kg (failed on last wave) 2 chins +15kg
1 bench 100kg (failed on last wave) 1 chin +20kg
back to the start total of 5 times through.

some rotator cuff work
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thursday night just did some conditioning work.

5 rounds.
15 24" box jumps
12 dumb bell push press (17.5kgs)
9 burpees

no training today or tomorrow tournament sunday

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