Media Diego Sanchez spotted UFO

As a former USAF vet(aerospace mechanic) that had a top secret clearance.....there's only so much I can say without being charged with treason but life outside our system exist. It's a true crime against humanity that our government/s keep this hidden.
As a former USAF vet(aerospace mechanic) that had a top secret clearance.....there's only so much I can say without being charged with treason but life outside our system exist. It's a true crime against humanity that our government/s keep this hidden.
I'm sure as a MECHANIC you got all the juicy details..........NOT!!!!!
I'm sure as a MECHANIC you got all the juicy details..........NOT!!!!!
I could disassemble and assemble over 20 types of engines. I was one of the best in the field. Scored the highest testing score in the history of a certain squadron that has been around for over 50 years. I was sent to several top secret bases to look at certain things. I couldn't care less what you think so feel free to not respond.
They are not unidentified imo. Looks like typical police/military drones.
Yeah...mechanics would have nothing to do with aircrafts....

Area 51 literally recruits America's brightest mechanics. The technology uncovered on several UFOs that were found through archeological digs prove life exist outside of our galaxy. Ppl can be as closed mined as they want. Ik it's not easy to except.
Area 51 literally recruits America's brightest mechanics. The technology uncovered on several UFOs that were found through archeological digs prove life exist outside of our galaxy. Ppl can be as closed mined as they want. Ik it's not easy to except.

My brother is a former USAF mechanic. Cheers, man.


There are over 700 quintillion planets in the universe. That's 700,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets. To think we are the only one with life is super closed minded. If other civilizations had a million years ahead of ours who knows what tech they could have. Look at how much has evolved in just a few hundred years on earth.
That is indeed a legit UFO and showing hallmark characteristics of 'the phenomenon'. Perhaps one of the most reoccurring traits of true UFO sightings is there seems to be something non physical about it, as if it is just ethereal light and lacks the nuts and bolts of the air craft we are accustomed to. On top of moving in hyper straight lines like an etch-a-sketch, the lights will merge together, blink in or out of existence, grow larger or smaller and spawn other lights from a single source, a phenomenon which is referred to as 'scout ships'. And perhaps the most mind blowing aspect of this phenomenon, is you can indeed increase your chances of viewing them by meditating and calling on them, which is referred to as "CE-5" - if you don't believe it, try to the protocols and give it a shot, go to a local CE-5 meet up and then decide.

In my humble opinion, the mistake that most make is assuming these lights are aliens from other planets, when in reality all the evidence and characteristics of the phenomenon point to something else that is far stranger. Unfortunately, charlatans like David Wilcox and Steven Greer make more money by selling the "ET hypothesis" and tales of our benevolent space brethren to desperate people, while state sponsored disinformation agents like Rick Doty pollute the UFO communities with lies and red herrings, and the end result is a truth that is very hard to find amongst mountains of dis/misinformation.
Why make up stupid shit? The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all said they saw UFOs.

You are very correct. The phenomenon is as old as documented history and even shows up in cave painting and rock art. In 1561 we have a very solid documenting of the 'celestial phenomenon over Nuremburg', which happened in Germany where the community witnessed what they thought was a battle taking place in the heavens. In fact, in 1605 there was also a mass sheep mutilation in England during the time when Shakespeare was writing Macbeth.


It's wrong to say it is definitely aliens from other planets, but it is also just as wrong to say that it is all man made. There is no doubt a ton of disinformation and wild speculation passed off as fact but there is also 100% something there, and the deeper you dive, the more you discover, the larger the mystery becomes and you eventually feel the less you know.

Yes, the Ariel School Encounter is one of the best. The wildest part about that encounter is not only how many children saw it, but how differently their interpretations were of the events. They tend to leave this out in the movies, but some children never saw the 'alien'/entity, some saw multiple aliens, some never saw the UFO land and said it remained in the sky, some heard mind speak while others did not, some thought it landed far back in the field and others said they were ten feet away from the being. One could chalk this up to kids not being reliable sources of information, but this very subjective and almost custom made interaction experience with this phenomenon is the hallmark, like it tests our conceptions about the state of realty itself.

In fact, Bob Bigelow decided to buy Skin Walker Ranch as when he went there to check it out after Terry Sherman became desperate to sell it, he had a very intense and personal interaction with an entity that no one else around him saw. It was like it somehow tapped into his consciousness and gave him a unique presentation that others were not privy to. This then convinced him of not only the realness of the phenomenon but how complex it was. And those that have followed the disclosure on this subject know that to get to the bottom of what is going on here, the government spent 22 million to study Skin Walker Ranch; they did not study the skies or outer space to get to the bottom of it, they studied a paranormal and poltergeist hotspot in the desert. Just in that little bit of information we can deduce alot about what this phenomenon is not.
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Diego and GSP should make a documentary about extraterrestrial life.