Didn’t think Barboza could be in a boring fight but Murphy proved me wrong

I cannot consider Murphy undefeated since the Gabriel Santos fight was a robbery, and not a small one.
It wasn't a bad fight at all. But it left a sour taste, watching our boy Edson get beat like that. ='(

He was very slow last night, being beaten to the punch in every single exchange. Also his timing and distance were way off, but that seemed more consequence to the damage he took in the first, like he was rocked for the whole remaining of the fight. Even then he was still dangerous with his kicks.

I really thought he was going to remove and put down the gloves in the end. 30 fights in the UFC is a lot, more so when most of them were wars.
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I also honest think a lot of these guys do not actually watch the fight.

Like, some people literally don't watch the fight and just say this shit to troll MMA fans.

And LOTS of people, maybe even most, aren't really paying close attention, if at all. They are on their phones or something and don't notice damaging strikes unless there is blood or knockdowns.

That doesn't stop them from immediately making a thread shitting on the fighters immediately afterwards.
I sort of blame it on these “reactions” the forum has, the same crap social media has been paddling for years. Getting reactions is a bit like an addiction after a while and people often post random shit just to get others to react to it. You can actually see that most of the forum will not follow a topic beyond page one. Some will only post on the first page of a topic because getting reaction on subsequent pages is harder. Likewise watching hundreds of fights is very time consuming, easier to just check wikipedia and watch some highlights on youtube.
It wasn't a bad fight at all. But it left a sour taste, watching our boy Edson get beat like that. ='(

He was very slow last night, being beaten to the punch in every single exchange. Also his timing and distance were way off, but that seemed more consequence to the damage he took in the first, like he was rocked for the whole remaining of the fight. Even then he was still dangerous with his kicks.

I really though he was going to remove and put down the gloves in the end. 30 fights in the UFC is a lot, more so when most of them were wars.

For sure. He seemed off balance for the vast majority of the fight which I interpreted as a combination of Lerone wobbling him badly with repeated punches and the continuous forward pressure just making it difficult for him to plant his feet and throw.

There were two moments there (at least) where it looked to me like barboza hurt him to the extent that if he had the time to work or could muster the energy to push the attack, he might have been able to get Murphy out of there. One was the upkick where Lerone looked to go prone for a moment and then snap back into coherence on the way down. That was so close to the end of the round, though, that Barboza wouldn’t have been able to capitalize. Then late in the fight I believe he hit a spin kick to the body that really seemed to take something out of Lerone. But he couldn’t capitalize on it.

In that sense it was a frustrating fight to watch as an Edson fan. It’s obviously rough to see the guy sustain so much damage and lose a lopsided fight in and of itself. But it added a layer of disappointment, seeing that he still had those flashes of great offense but couldn’t really put things together.

Credit to Lerone. He really poured on the attack and his boxing was fast and crisp.
I thought it was a pretty good fight, I expected Murphy to finish Edson though and I think he could have if he wasn’t so insistent on clinching with him after he landed good shots.
If you found that boring, I've gotta question why you watch MMA in the first place.

MMA has to have the most clueless fanbase of any sport. I suppose that has something to do with it's relative "newness" compared to other sports, but still.
Apex will do that... <{clintugh}>
Barboza has been a punching bag for a lot of his UFC career.

Peak of his career was fighting Khabib after a short win streak, and he's gone 5-8 since then.

He shouldn't headline a card and Murphy casually beat the shit out of him with virtually no fear of repercussion. Suppose he should have tried to finish a bit harder, but he was in there winning at all times and knocking him around the cage.

Personally I'm tried of watching Barboza get beat up and I think he should head on to greener pastures before 40.
The peculiar thing about Boza is how fast his upper body gasses. In rds 3-4-5, his legs are still splitting the air like a gunshot, meanwhile, his arms are like wet noodles - no speed, zero power. I have never seen anything quite like it.
If you found that boring, I've gotta question why you watch MMA in the first place.

MMA has to have the most clueless fanbase of any sport. I suppose that has something to do with it's relative "newness" compared to other sports, but still.
Well no one died in it.

Thats pretty dissapointing.
So you are shitting on Murphy because Barboza wasn't KOd? He was throwing heavy shots, sometimes fighters can fucking take it.
Murphy is kind of a budget Leon. He is well trained striker but he sort of faded later in the fight. He took a little too much damage against Barboza who couldn't push too hard. I guess we will know more about him when he fights another contender.
So you are shitting on Murphy because Barboza wasn't KOd? He was throwing heavy shots, sometimes fighters can fucking take it.
He doesn't have to KO Barboza but he took unnecessary damage against Barboza who was just there. I preferred if he played it more technical and safer. The blueprint to fighting Barboza is out there. Barboza hasn't changed since he came into the UFC. He still has the same technical flaws that can be exploited. Murphy's performance could be also his first time fighting a main event 5 rounder.

The next fight for Murphy should be Bryce or Ige. There is Aljo, Allen and Emett but I don't think he is getting those guys. They should do Do Ho Choi and Barboza. They are both flawed in the same way. It will be a fun fight.
The "BMF" Barboza. Never change Sherbros.
LOL they never will. Did not see this card. Any good? I am getting old. I honestly did not know who any of the fighters on the card were other than Barboza and it sounds like he got an ass-whoopin'.
If you found that fight boring, it says a lot more about you than it does about the fight.
Yup. 3rd highest strike differential in UFC history. Murphy was extremely active in that fight landing tons of shots.

Barboza landed a fair few himself and messed Murphy's face and leg up, and was still outstruck by a ridiculous margin.

People watching that and coming to the conclusion that it was a boring fight filled with "shitty Brit tier wrestling" simply don't know what they are watching (or not watching, as the case may be).