Did weight gainer own me?


Purple Belt
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Throughout highschool until I decided to take this crap Twinlabs Mass crap ((Amazon.com: TwinLab Amino Fuel 1000 Body Building Amino Acids, Mega Mass, Tablets, 250-Count Bottle: Health & Personal Care) something similar to that at least) my senior year i was 135 lbs never over never under. I took that shit because I thought i wanted to get big, and i did get up to 150s because of it, but it started to hurt my heart so I stopped after 1 month. I have also taken creatine on 2 occasions for 1 month each time, but stopped because i just started to feel very tired and sluggish. Now i'm on nothing and my weight yo-yos from 140 to 153 depending on what kind of shape i'm in (153 when i'm in shape).
My question (finally) is do you guys think that if i never took that crap i would still be 135 or is my weight gain due to getting older and "filling out?" It's been bothering me ever since i stopped, which was about 4 years ago, so i would appreciate some feedback. thanks a lot.
hurt our heart :S
You sure you still worked out while bulking
I doubt that stuff helped you get from a 135 lb twig to a 153 lb stick. You probably just started eating more calories around that time. It's possible the stuff increased your appetite though.
Throughout highschool until I decided to take this crap Twinlabs Mass crap ((Amazon.com: TwinLab Amino Fuel 1000 Body Building Amino Acids, Mega Mass, Tablets, 250-Count Bottle: Health & Personal Care) something similar to that at least) my senior year i was 135 lbs never over never under. I took that shit because I thought i wanted to get big, and i did get up to 150s because of it, but it started to hurt my heart so I stopped after 1 month. I have also taken creatine on 2 occasions for 1 month each time, but stopped because i just started to feel very tired and sluggish. Now i'm on nothing and my weight yo-yos from 140 to 153 depending on what kind of shape i'm in (153 when i'm in shape).
My question (finally) is do you guys think that if i never took that crap i would still be 135 or is my weight gain due to getting older and "filling out?" It's been bothering me ever since i stopped, which was about 4 years ago, so i would appreciate some feedback. thanks a lot.

Your weight gain is the result of gaining weight. Most guys "fill out" as they get older. There's nothing in that gainer that causes irreversible results. If you're fatter now, you can still lean out again.
What is up with these sort of questions lately?
Ok here's the thing. I am not any fatter or anything, and i used to eat MORE back then than i do now (whole pizzas at a time; not exaggerating). I am as lean as lean can get, with 5% body fat, and i only noticed this dramatic weight gain AFTER i took this stuff. I dunno, maybe i just did gain muscle mass, but it just makes me wonder what would happen if i never took any of it.
hurt our heart :S
You sure you still worked out while bulking

yeah i was working out like a maniac, and gained 10 lbs of muscle very quickly, after not being able to gain ANY weight prior to taking that junk.
i don't understand what your asking, you took weight gainer to get big, then you stopped. Now you want to know why you arn't the same weight as before? Are you trying to cut back down to 135 or something? And you talk about weight gainer as if it's some toxic sludge that has ruined your body. Its just whey protein and sugar. If you put on weight, you were eating more cals, the weight gainer contributed to those cals, therefore the weight gainer had a part in bulking.
Vedic's just waiting to read a few more threads, he needs a reason to throw his keyboard across the room.
So what was your workout like?
What you posted is not a weight gainer. It's an amino acid supplement ad not a very good one at that. It's basically whey protein in a pill form. The entire bottle might have 50g of protein. It would have little to no effect on your gaining size. It definitely had nothing to do with your heart unless maybe you're allergic to whey. There areno stimulants in it. Seems lke to need to do a lot more research to know what you're putting in your body.

If you took an actual weight gainer, it was basically just liquid food. A way to get a lot of calories in a short time.

At any rate, judging from your post, you don't really know what you're doing. read the stickies to learn how to eat. Read the stickies in the S&P forum to learn how to train, and than think about supplements.
What you posted is not a weight gainer. It's an amino acid supplement ad not a very good one at that. It's basically whey protein in a pill form. The entire bottle might have 50g of protein. It would have little to no effect on your gaining size. It definitely had nothing to do with your heart unless maybe you're allergic to whey. There areno stimulants in it. Seems lke to need to do a lot more research to know what you're putting in your body.

If you took an actual weight gainer, it was basically just liquid food. A way to get a lot of calories in a short time.

At any rate, judging from your post, you don't really know what you're doing. read the stickies to learn how to eat. Read the stickies in the S&P forum to learn how to train, and than think about supplements.

well i completely stopped taking anything, and i just go all natural now...which makes me feel a lot better. it was a waste of time, and like i said before, a huge mistake. I was a dumb 17 year old thinking that getting big was what i wanted. I'm just not built that way, and i could literally feel it in my heart. thanks for the info on this product. What are areno stimulants?
I do eat correctly now when i'm training for wrestling, but when i'm off i eat whatever i want and lose all that weight i gained from exercising. I just wanted to know what effect this could have had long term on my body...because i wasn't this big before, no matter what i did (eat a shitload/get drunk/high ALL the time etc etc). I guess i've come to the conclusion, based on many of the posts on this thread, that it was a natural weight gain, and it must have been a coincidence between the pills and naturally gaining mass.
i don't understand what your asking, you took weight gainer to get big, then you stopped. Now you want to know why you arn't the same weight as before? Are you trying to cut back down to 135 or something? And you talk about weight gainer as if it's some toxic sludge that has ruined your body. Its just whey protein and sugar. If you put on weight, you were eating more cals, the weight gainer contributed to those cals, therefore the weight gainer had a part in bulking.

yeah trying to get big was a huge mistake for me i think. it's actually the one of the few regrets i have in life (maybe i just don't get out enough). If it were up to me, i would still be 135. back then i could get as strong as i wanted, but stay the exact same size. Now i max out at 153, which is ok i guess, but i don't really want to cut weight (i love love to eat a lot lot). See this is where it gets weird for me, everybody's been saying that calories have contributed to my weight gain. But wouldn't that mean that i would get fatter? I look exactly the same (5% body fat, i couldn't lose my six pack if i tried), just bigger.

Growing up is tuff...

Its not like you took steroids. If you have a heart problem, see a doctor. 150lbs...
yeah trying to get big was a huge mistake for me i think. it's actually the one of the few regrets i have in life (maybe i just don't get out enough). If it were up to me, i would still be 135. back then i could get as strong as i wanted, but stay the exact same size. Now i max out at 153, which is ok i guess, but i don't really want to cut weight (i love love to eat a lot lot). See this is where it gets weird for me, everybody's been saying that calories have contributed to my weight gain. But wouldn't that mean that i would get fatter? I look exactly the same (5% body fat, i couldn't lose my six pack if i tried), just bigger.

no man, it doesn't mean you'll get fatter. You literally CAN'T put on weight without increasing your calorie intake, people put on weight cuz they eat more cals.......how tall are you ts? You should also understand that unless you're 5'3, 135 is not a natural or healthy weight for an active individual.

plus if you're 150lbs and NOT fat, your comments lead me to believe you may have an eating disorder.....
This thread has so much fail...so. much. fail.