did the White House put out a fake doctor's note for Trump?


Gold Belt
May 29, 2013
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So I think we all remember the hilarity behind the first doctor's note he put out. The new one is just as suspicious.

And someone in the comments pointed out that a doctor wouldn't sign a letter as Dr. Real Person, they would sign Real Person, M.D.

"The reason I think this might not have actually been written by the White House physician Ronny Jackson, is because that is not how you spell 'Ronny Jackson'."
Misspelling hos first name was kinda stupid too and the email isn't even directly from him.

I am interested in his health report though.
That's really funny but it's likely that he did write that, and somebody quoted the text in an email and added his misspelled name. And being a pack of utter dunces, nobody bothered to check the goddamn spelling before it went public.
I don't think we can call this fake unless the doctor himself says so.
So these are the types of stories Maddow has been reduced to since the whole "muh Russia" narrative fell flat?

In the words of our president, sad!
Maddow blog with its award winnning journalism.... I don’t know why it’s going after such easy low hanging fruit
We have now moved from "but, but Obama" to "but, but Maddow"
Who cares let heart disease or diabeetus take him out.
Did the doctor recommend a steady diet of fish fillets and diet coke?
So these are the types of stories Maddow has been reduced to since the whole "muh Russia" narrative fell flat?

In the words of our president, sad!

You mean the ongoing investigation that has already resulted in multiple convictions and a guilty plea? Why not wait until it's finished?
As always, it's attention to detail that impresses you with this administration, lol.
We all need to demand the Long Form doctor's note, specifically the actual paper note, and not an electronic version.
It's really just a long march of blundering incompetence punctuated periodically by successful moments of extreme greed