Did Okami go out last night?

Anarchy 99

White Belt
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Saw this in the other thread and got intrigued :confused:


Did Okami go out or not? You decide.
Definitely looks like he was out for 2-3 seconds.
I don't think he went out. It probably rocked him really good though. The type of strike that woulda dropped him had they been standing.
Looked like a flash KO, he woke up immediately. Surprised the commentators glazed over it.
Looked like a flash KO, he woke up immediately. Surprised the commentators glazed over it.

Yep, if Rogan freaked out like he usually does it would probably be all over Sherdog. It looks like a flash KO to me, his right hand went limp for few seconds.
The answer is in Okami's right arm. At no point did it go limp, and it continuously looks like he is moving it around, trying to improve his posture. An unconscious guy couldn't do that. IMO he simply immediately tucks his head after getting hit.
The answer is in Okami's right arm. At no point did it go limp, and it continuously looks like he is moving it around, trying to improve his posture. An unconscious guy couldn't do that. IMO he simply immediately tucks his head after getting hit.

This ^
The answer is in Okami's right arm. At no point did it go limp, and it continuously looks like he is moving it around, trying to improve his posture. An unconscious guy couldn't do that. IMO he simply immediately tucks his head after getting hit.
Was it moving yes, was it the movement of someone consciously trying to do something? You can't tell. So no, the answer is not there.
No. If you look closely, that elbow appear to have landed more in the chest area than anything.

Then again I could be wrong!
what exactly leads you to believe that he is unconscious besides the fact that you can't see his face for a couple seconds?
Holy shit,missed that,great spot thread starter,it looks as though he's out for a good 3 or 4 seconds,how did organ miss that?
I think Alan could tell if he was limp or not and burst out of the position.
Watching it live I thought he did go out, that back elbow was HARD. He probably did get rocked a bit but hard to tell.
what exactly leads you to believe that he is unconscious besides the fact that you can't see his face for a couple seconds?

The way he falls and his right arm, his wrist is turned inwards and the way he is moving it, he doesn't look completely there for sure.
Rewatching it on UFC.tv even the crowd reacted to the elbow.
I think he was rocked and just covering himself.
Was it moving yes, was it the movement of someone consciously trying to do something? You can't tell. So no, the answer is not there.

Try looking harder. His arm moves backwards and upwards and exactly towards Belcher's arm and ends up controlling it. Not a bad muscle spasm there for an unconscious opponent. Against gravity and exactly in the direction of his opponent's attacking arm. Either lady luck, god or consciousness was on his side that fated night:D