Destination wedding become a pain in my A

This is easy. Don't go. I mean unless you want to. Weddings are first rate horseshit #1, #2 second marriages LOL thats town hall + potato salad under a rented tent in the backyard shit brutha. Oh and Disney World exqueeze me? Hey darlin if you want to reel in casuals to your wedding you might want to think bout Arches or Zion as a destination
I think you could potentially make this cheaper than 2 grand.

Have the kids stay at a neighbor's or something. Get a cheap hotel not actually right next to Disney land.

I'll be the optimist here. Id probably find a way to make it work for my sister. Doesn't mean I would be happy about it though.
I gotta vent here Sherbros, also to see if I am being the Ahole. Sister-in-law went from planning a low-key wedding (her second) with a guy shes already had a baby with to randomly making it a Disney World destination wedding. Not only that, she picked the dates already for next year right during the last month of the school year. I have three school aged children, not talking grade school either, middle and high-school. Now she is starting to get salty we might not come because I can't commit to something during that time of the year. Frankly she is pissing me off.

Question is, am I over-reacting or is she being a unreasonable bride here. As it is now, looks like my wife might have to go down there, spend $2 grand on a hotel room she only uses for 3 days then come back without ever stepping foot in Disney. If I am able to bring my kids down there it'll be the same deal, 3 days, no actual Disney (maybe a half day). I am not doing that to my kids, if she had planned it just one month later I woulda gone all in. Discuss.
Nah, you're not over-reacting. Destination weddings suck. My buddy got married in Florida and I paid $900 to fly out there from California (to be one of the best men), only to be picked up by him at the airport where he tells me she cheated on him and he cheated on her and basically they hate each other. <JagsKiddingMe>
You're fine man, if someone is going to have a destination wedding they will have to accept the fact that not everyone is going to make it, especially if it's their second marriage.
Sometimes the point of a destination wedding is so that people won't come, making it cheaper for the couple getting married. You are doing them a favor by not going, less they have to pay for food and booze and whatever else.
Anything past a 2 hour drive cant be expected. Maybe you could stay after to go to Disney with the family? But if not too bad thats not on you either way. The only reason i would do a destination wedding is if i want the least amount of people to show up while not pissing them of since i invited them but i would not expect many to come.
Don't you want to drop some $$$ on hanging out with the second (of #?) husband lol
I gotta vent here Sherbros, also to see if I am being the Ahole. Sister-in-law went from planning a low-key wedding (her second) with a guy shes already had a baby with to randomly making it a Disney World destination wedding. Not only that, she picked the dates already for next year right during the last month of the school year. I have three school aged children, not talking grade school either, middle and high-school. Now she is starting to get salty we might not come because I can't commit to something during that time of the year. Frankly she is pissing me off.

Question is, am I over-reacting or is she being a unreasonable bride here. As it is now, looks like my wife might have to go down there, spend $2 grand on a hotel room she only uses for 3 days then come back without ever stepping foot in Disney. If I am able to bring my kids down there it'll be the same deal, 3 days, no actual Disney (maybe a half day). I am not doing that to my kids, if she had planned it just one month later I woulda gone all in. Discuss.
Destination means that she should expect people to not show up. You're in the right on this one.
She has unreasonable expectations. You are definitely not at fault here.
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This honestly shouldn't even be a question. Fuck anyone that would expect other people to spend thousands of dollars and vacation time to watch them get married.