Opinion Departures and disasters: Kamala Harris might be the worst veep ever

Pence wasn't any better really. Neither was Hillary's running mate in 2016. Biden at least gave substantial input regarding ACA (aka Obamacare aka Romneycare). The running joke during W's administration was Cheney was pulling the strings. I'm not sure Gore did a lot during Clinton's, admittedly I was too young. Meanwhile, the only thing memorable I know about Quayle is him misspelling potato lol Video June 15, 1992: Dan Quayle misspells 'potato' - ABC News (go.com)

VPs generally suck in my limited time on this planet. They also tend to become scapegoats whether justified or not.

Poor Pence. What sort of chance did he have?

Biden was clearly an active part of the administration. So was Gore. Cheney and Bush Senior were both very much in the mix of making policy decisions, especially with regard to foreign policy.

You're right about Quayle, from what I remember (I was in high school, so not much). But he's the anomaly... and like Pence he was a one termer, so that makes him a little tougher to gauge.

Harris hasn't even had half a term yet, so same thing goes.

Right now, though, she's ineffectual not just in a sort of "We haven't seen her find her groove or make a mark yet" sort of way, but in the fact that at times it really does feel like the Biden administration wants nothing to do with her. In some ways she's turned out to be a sort of a cynical Sarah Palin type pick... chosen because she checked off some boxes that the presidential candidate and his advisers thought important.

But all politics and ideology aside McCain was a much better human being than Biden, and so at least McCain treated his pick like a someone that he'd chosen to take along for the voyage of his own free will and was, therefore, prepared to keep along and treat well even if it meant going down with the ship. Biden is all for throwing his pick overboard if he thinks it might save him from drowning.