5 posts say otherwise.
Don’t play dumb.
5 posts say otherwise.
Less then 1% is billionaires , should laws effect them ?Federal legislation is not necessary for an issue that doesn’t affect 99% of the American population. That’s what you folks don’t understand. How about the right focuses on passing legislation that actually affects you and me. I met one trans person in my entire life and it was 20 years ago. I don’t give a rat’s ass about this non-issue. If a local athletic commission allows or doesn’t allow trans athletes to compete, so be it. But let them decide. Federal tax payers money shouldn’t be wasted on what really is a tiny non-issue.
I want those 26 athletes banned right this second!! This is what I voted for!!
Less then 1% is billionaires , should laws effect them ?Federal legislation is not necessary for an issue that doesn’t affect 99% of the American population. That’s what you folks don’t understand. How about the right focuses on passing legislation that actually affects you and me. I met one trans person in my entire life and it was 20 years ago. I don’t give a rat’s ass about this non-issue. If a local athletic commission allows or doesn’t allow trans athletes to compete, so be it. But let them decide. Federal tax payers money shouldn’t be wasted on what really is a tiny non-issue.
Someone logged their alt accountSo you are against a federal law protecting abortion rights then? Since only ~1% of abortions are due to medical necessity or rape?
Clearly the most pressing issue facing America today.
Well I don’t think trans should be competing against women but I’m also ptretty confident there’s much more pressing issues to be concerned about.
I really don’t know why the democrats have let themselves get suckered into this issue and make it such a hard line stance. Even they truly believed it was the right thing to to, at the end of the day there’s much bigger problems that Republicans are now getting away with exacerbating while Dems lose elections on dumb unimportant shit like this.
Fuck off... This directly impacts many families. Especially families with daughters.
It's embarrassing leftist fucks have even let it come to this point. Fuck them.
What? You have a problem with males fucking over females? You don't... lol. Douche
It’s not a bitch move. We have an administration directly moving us back towards dictatorship. We have a medical system that’s strained to its max that no one is doing anything to fix. We have wealth inequality at bonkers levels and only getting worse. We have a President and his lackeys running pump and dump schemes. We have China threatening to invade Taiwan in the near future which would wreck the world economy. So you’ll excuse me if I don’t rank sports right along with those things- especially not when most places have already fixed it without federal interventionIt's Democrat's fault they've let it get to this point to where it needs to be addressed Federally.
Do the people of Maine really support this insanity? Or just the radical Governer and State Senators. California is mostly lost, so no need to address those looneys.
Using the excuse "More pressing Issues" is a bitch move. It's a priority to you if your daughter, sister, etc... is being directly negatively impacted because of it.
It's sure a pressing issue for Democrats to allow males to invade women's spaces. Because they keep doubling down on it.
Isn't that hypocritical of you to call out pushing back on it as something not worth addressing?
Trans issues was one of the four top issues American cited for voting for Trump over Kamala.
So please Democrats... keep it up.
It’s not a bitch move. We have an administration directly moving us back towards dictatorship. We have a medical system that’s strained to its max that no one is doing anything to fix. We have wealth inequality at bonkers levels and only getting worse. We have a President and his lackeys running pump and dump schemes. We have China threatening to invade Taiwan in the near future which would wreck the world economy. So you’ll excuse me if I don’t rank sports right along with those things- especially not when most places have already fixed it without federal intervention
When your opponent makes a mistake, you have to exploit it. The Democrats make this a big issue by supporting it so fervently. It's easy points to score on them because everyone hates it so much.
Tell it to the Dems. It wouldn't be an issue, if not for them. Like it or not, it's not a small issue in America. It was a significant reason why Trump won. Imagine giving your opponent a talking point of "Men are men, and women are women", because the idiotic lunatics of the Democrat party disagree with that. May as well argue against math and give them a talking point that "2+2=4".It’s not a bitch move. We have an administration directly moving us back towards dictatorship. We have a medical system that’s strained to its max that no one is doing anything to fix. We have wealth inequality at bonkers levels and only getting worse. We have a President and his lackeys running pump and dump schemes. We have China threatening to invade Taiwan in the near future which would wreck the world economy. So you’ll excuse me if I don’t rank sports right along with those things- especially not when most places have already fixed it without federal intervention