Deleted Thread Re: Fight Short Challenge

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Steve Marino

Orange Belt
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Earlier today Perfy posted a thread about a challenge by a competing brand of fightshorts that is targeting SPRAWL. It appears as though that thread has been deleted. We would like to formaly announce that we did not request this deletion nor did we have any part in it.

We have never asked for censorship as our competitors have accused. We never asked that the comparison of brands or the healthy debate over customer preference be inhibited in any way.

A note to the mods, we have no issue with the thread being replace on this forum so healthy debate can proceed. If necessary Perfy can send me the content of his original post and I will re-post them on this forum and take the heat from Sherdog if it comes to that.

Thank you.

Steve Marino said:
Earlier today Perfy posted a thread about a challenge by a competing brand of fightshorts that is targeting SPRAWL. It appears as though that thread has been deleted. We would like to formaly announce that we did not request this deletion nor did we have any part in it.

We have never asked for censorship as our competitors have accused. We never asked that the comparison of brands or the healthy debate over customer preference be inhibited in any way.

A note to the mods, we have no issue with the thread being replace on this forum so healthy debate can proceed. If necessary Perfy can send me the content of his original post and I will re-post them on this forum and take the heat from Sherdog if it comes to that.

Thank you.

Steve, you don't need to defend yourself. You are in the right in every situation that has came up since the sponsorship. No one here believes the hype.
Steve no need to defend yourself.

I simply moved these threads, a total of 3 with titles like "Sprawl vs Nogi, the war is on!" as to avoid more of this conflict.

As i've said a MILLION times, SPRAWL doesnt write the policies, Sherdog does. The threads werent against policy, I just wished to avoid them and avoid more of this childish arguing involving a certain professional fighter / company owner.

Anyways, sleep now.

Oh wow that hurt

I am not arguing I am making statements that I and many others feel are true

Would you like me to post the emails I am getting right now?
there should be no debate about sponsorship, the only debate should be about the product, and i have never done business with NoGi, but i hear that they are great, but SPRAWL has sent me a free pair of shorts!
Has anyone stopped to think that perhaps Chris just really likes Sprawls and is launhcing a mad scheme to collect them all?
Man, you sleep and you miss all the good stuff :(
JeremiahBailey said:
Fozzy, you said you moved the threads, where did you move them to?

Probably to mod kingdom, where Nazi flags are hung in pride!
But possibly honest. Any mods wanna comment on that?
The thread was only up for a few mins, maybe 5, before Foz moved it off the board. He said he would bring it back after a day or two if need be but I felt it better to just let it die.

I made it in a tongue and cheek fashion, even titling it "Take the Pepsi, oops, I mean Fight Short Challenge" or something along those lines. The deal was you send the competitor your Sprawl shorts +$24 and you get a pair of their shorts. If you like theirs then it's the end of transaction. If not send them back and they'll send you Sprawl shorts back, how they keep track, I don't know. Maybe, you'd get them back all slashed up, only kidding :) . Then I made a joke like JeremiahBailey did though his was vastly better. I also asked him what the other company was going to do with all those Sprawl shorts.

Lastly there was discussion of this deal or challenge, which I'll resummarize. You have to send them your Sprawl shorts first so that will cost you packing materials, shipping and insurance, at least $6. Then you wait till Jan 16th for them to send you a pair. So you could be out any shorts for 3 weeks if that's your only pair. It would also be a bit difficult to compare them as you only have one in possession at a time. So unless your sprawl shorts were trashed or you had a ton of fight shorts it would be better to just buy the competitor's at full price. It would only cost you $10 more and you'd have two pairs of shorts.

Then on the other board there's another rival wanting each of the 3 companies to send/give 10 people their shorts for a comparative review. His implication was that anyone who believes in their product would gladly give out free samples for review/comparison. Perhaps he's unaware that Sprawl gave out 20 free pairs here and has sent several other users free pairs to compare between the 05 and 06 lines.

All-in-all it's pretty funny to see these companies challenging and complaining about Sprawl. Sprawl has handled it well though and stayed out of it. I'm a bit surprised to see Steve post about this as there isn't any need and he doesn't have justify himself for actions he hasn't taken.
I think sprawl and nogi should each send me a pair of shorts. I will then wear them on my head because I can't fit into either companies shorts.
JeremiahBailey said:
I think sprawl and nogi should each send me a pair of shorts. I will then wear them on my head because I can't fit into either companies shorts.
HAHA, how will you fight?
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