defending standing guillotine


Brown Belt
Jul 15, 2005
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whats a good way to stop this/get out of it once its locked in but before the person pulls guard
FStep said:
whats a good way to stop this/get out of it once its locked in but before the person pulls guard

I have never taken a class in BJJ but from the internet video I have seen slams/takedowns into sidemount tend to be popular.
Slam your opponent into sidemount is a good option. Be sure you train it slow paced at first though, you have to know how to do it properly as it gives quite some stress on your neck.

A more easy way is to swing your arm (that is next to his head) over his head and lock it in too. After that it comes down to who has the most strenght.

When you're too late doing this and you're opponent falls back to pull guard, step to over into side mount. When your head is on the left side of his body (so your right) for example and he falls back, step to the left around his legs so you end up in side mount.
Now the hold is not on your throat anymore and you should be able to withstand the pressure he puts on your neck.
Now remove the arm from your head (I try to trap his right arm with my knee before I do this). Once you have his arm removed from your head you can start working on it to pull a keylock, kimura or reversed armbar.
Keep your head up, if you can do a double leg takedown and slam him into a side mount. another option is to drop to guard.
1. Palm face in, grab his wrist or thin part of his forearm (like a one handed chinup) to take some pressure off your neck.
2. Now throw your far arm over his shoulder and as deep down his back and center as you can.

Now he can yank, crank and pull all day - now he has to lift your entire bodyweight and there is no pressure on you at all.

Actually this was taught to us at a seminar by BJJ RED BELT Carlson Gracie Sr.
Throw your arm over his shoulder. Reach down with your free arm and pick him up using your forearm for the leverage. Also, pick him up on the thigh area. Now just drop him down nicely if it's sport bjj, slam him if it's allowed, or bring him down on your knee if it's a self defense situation.

You can also sweep him, just bring your leg behind his far heel, step on it and sit straight back and he will fall with you, you can get get the mount because they won't let go of the choke.
Cardio said:
1. Palm face in, grab his wrist or thin part of his forearm (like a one handed chinup) to take some pressure off your neck.
2. Now throw your far arm over his shoulder and as deep down his back and center as you can.

Now he can yank, crank and pull all day - now he has to lift your entire bodyweight and there is no pressure on you at all.

Actually this was taught to us at a seminar by BJJ RED BELT Carlson Gracie Sr.

x2. If he takes you to guard, lean forward tilly ou are on your head basically as you pull on his wrist with one hand. Stand on your toes as you lean forward and while you're still pulling on his wrist. Then simple walk 'strafe' walk out of his guard. The best thing is once your opp sees you do the headstand thing as you go on your toes, he immediately loses all power in the choke, and since he knows the guard pass is comng he releases and works on keeping his guard, 95 percent of the time.
I think wandy has shown us a priti good way to defend it.
(Wand vs Saku II, imho)
If you are strong Rampage showed a good way to defend it. Watch his fight vs Igor
This is what I was shown If the guy is too heavy to slam... lets say he has you head on his left side...

First stop the submission, grab his wrist with your right hand and pull it down getting some pressure off

Throw/weave your other arm up and around in front of his head and wrap it around whilst pulling his head down. If you can picture it, you have each other in guillotines... almost like a 2 man rugby scrum.

With your left leg, take a big step back and spin to the left whilst pulling him down, you can grab his leg to help take away his base. You should now land on him in side control.

I'm no expert so just correct me where I'm wrong (if I am). Oh and this is for No-Gi.