Deep Vein Thrombosis

Surely it's a condition that will resolve since you spotted it soon enough?

I'm hoping so.

I'm on blood thinners for the next few weeks.

I think that the clot has long gone, but clots can damage and destroy the veins it passes through, leading to swelling, varicose veins, leg ulcers and all sorts of other nastiness.

It's why I'm wearing the compression stockings, to keep the swelling down. I've heard that the recovery time varies a lot, so I'm taking precautionary measures.
Hi all,

Anyone had experience with this?

I'm moving around St Peters, SDEC wing, on crutches, awaiting a blood test.
Serious questions? Did you take any experimental drugs that have caused cardiac problems?

I met two people who took said something and require a prescription for rat poison for life. Speedy recovery my dude.
If they caught it early enough you'll be on blood thinners for up to a few months but it's very treatable.

If they don't treat it, it's quite dangerous.

Risk factors include smoking tobacco, or sitting around for long periods of time (deskjob, trucker, stuck on long flights). Having had covid in the last few months also increases your chances of developing all kinds of blood clots.

Listen to your doctors and stay active once you're cleared to exercise.

The once cleared part is KING. If he has random clots and he's exercising, there's risk of it moving. Bam heart attack, stroke or pulmonary embolism.

The tech is good. They see a lot now. The scary part is that, they fired staff for now wanting these or other health problems.

Imagine entering into the system. Short staff. Brutal. Say your PRAYERS ts. I do everyday. This life is a blessing.

@ts do blood work regularly. Rat poison can fuck your kidneys.
I'm hoping so.

I'm on blood thinners for the next few weeks.

I think that the clot has long gone, but clots can damage and destroy the veins it passes through, leading to swelling, varicose veins, leg ulcers and all sorts of other nastiness.

It's why I'm wearing the compression stockings, to keep the swelling down. I've heard that the recovery time varies a lot, so I'm taking precautionary measures.
I hope you ll be fine bro. It sounds like all is under control though. Speedy recovery!
Don't want to be that guy

and I'm not saying that it was the covid vaccine

But it was the covid vaccine

Seriously though there was one type that was allegedly causing thrombosis. And I have a friend whose brother got it and he blames that.
the day is not over yet.


Serious questions? Did you take any experimental drugs that have caused cardiac problems?

I met two people who took said something and require a prescription for rat poison for life. Speedy recovery my dude.

If you mean the COVID shots, yeah.

2x Astera-Zeneca and 1 Phizer top up. I was invited to one more top up, but I chose not to due to the side effects being worse each time.

Astera was just weakness for about a day first time round, same second but I woke up at night once with my breathing out of sync. Phizer was a combination of the first two, and I didn't leave the bed for a couple of days after.

It was a odd bloody time. Tons of information everywhere and a lot of fear for the future.

I'm not entirely convinced that it's that, but I haven't ruled it out either. I consider my weight and the fact that I tend to have quite unhealthy gaming habits at times (I binge), to be more of a factor.

If you mean the COVID shots, yeah.

2x Astera-Zeneca and 1 Phizer top up. I was invited to one more top up, but I chose not to due to the side effects being worse each time.

Astera was just weakness for about a day first time round, same second but I woke up at night once with my breathing out of sync. Phizer was a combination of the first two, and I didn't leave the bed for a couple of days after.

It was a odd bloody time. Tons of information everywhere and a lot of fear for the future.

I'm not entirely convinced that it's that, but I haven't ruled it out either. I consider my weight and the fact that I tend to have quite unhealthy gaming habits at times (I binge), to be more of a factor.

Why? I saw fat AF slobs wearing face masks alone in their car on route for a 5th shot and wondering why the chest pains are happening?

My friend is a nurse. Dudes get rekt. Who would have thought, the healthy FIGHTING AGE MEN are mysteriously most affected. The issue I hear with girls is fertility. Scary AF.

Fucking terrifying.

I'm praying for you and all those injured. This was evil. Pure fucking evil. Shocker they made 9 billion not to mention the insider trading and corruption.

Meditate. Go in nature. Go Mediterranean diet. Lose weight via fasting and calorie restrictions. Also, download PACED BREATHING APP. it's by author James Nestor NY times best seller of breath.

Minimize stress. Listen to your doctors but exercise common sense and consider 2nd opinions. Sadly, it's a club and why they mostly all complied. Big upset @ Dr McCullough and Malone that called out this fuck shit.

You should have went to the hospital. Dudes usually don't. Likely why we don't live as long. Are you OK atm?

Pray brother. 🙏 curious why you took it? Coercion?
Why? I saw fat AF slobs wearing face masks alone in their car on route for a 5th shot and wondering why the chest pains are happening?

My friend is a nurse. Dudes get rekt. Who would have thought, the healthy FIGHTING AGE MEN are mysteriously most affected. The issue I hear with girls is fertility. Scary AF.

Fucking terrifying.

I'm praying for you and all those injured. This was evil. Pure fucking evil. Shocker they made 9 billion not to mention the insider trading and corruption.

Meditate. Go in nature. Go Mediterranean diet. Lose weight via fasting and calorie restrictions. Also, download PACED BREATHING APP. it's by author James Nestor NY times best seller of breath.

Minimize stress. Listen to your doctors but exercise common sense and consider 2nd opinions. Sadly, it's a club and why they mostly all complied. Big upset @ Dr McCullough and Malone that called out this fuck shit.

You should have went to the hospital. Dudes usually don't. Likely why we don't live as long. Are you OK atm?

Pray brother. 🙏 curious why you took it? Coercion?

I took it because of what I saw at the time and because of the fact that my missus has a poor immune system.

Face masks absolutely sucked, especially in the summer. I keep them off outdoors, followed the line in stores and I had to wear them all shift at work, or be sacked. I had serious doubts about them, but wore them out of courtesy for others. I saw a few articles saying that runners should wear them, and as an eighteen-stone runner who also suffers from hayfever, that line of thinking can fuck right off.

My Dads wife was also a nurse during the pandemic. Our conversations about it were brief.

Thanks for the prayers and the advice mate. I don't think that I'm on deaths door just yet, and I think that there are other issues at play aside from the jabs, but I do need to encourage healthier living.
@Wrath of Foamy you ever try learning the somewhat jumping stretching warmup the sprinters do before they run? I don't know if it has a name, I'm sure someone can post the famous gif of that lady doing it. I've had good luck with a gentle version of it for stretching out the inner ansd outer long muscles in the thighs. Probably not good to try unless they're warmed up a bit though.

I've also had good luck with somethibg the fighters do before the fight. Again I don't know the name of it, someone can likely post a gif too, but it's when they grab the fence with both hands, lift one leg, and seing it side to side in front of their other leg. Best of wishes sherbro
Your body can create new blood vessels to bypass damaged areas if it has to (angiogenesis). You'll probably be fine given enough time to recover.

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