Deadlift's at the start,mid or end of workout?

Robert D

Amateur Fighter
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
When it comes to these compound movements when is the best time to perform them?
At the beginning, middle or end of your weight's routine?

Obviously at the start you will have more energy and therefore in theory you will be able to lift more weight, and being able to lift large weight in the main compound exercise's will increase your overall strength.
Doing the BP,DL or squat in the middle seem's like the right place to do it, because your body should be sufficeintly warmed up from the smaller,lighter-weighted exercise's,But maybe you wont get the most out of your compound exercise.
Or leave it until the end when you are well warmed up and some muscle's are nearly exhausted.

What are your opinions?
At the start, so your stabilizers and assisting muscles are at full strength.
You should perform the lifts that matter most when you're at 100%. I don't think there's a lot of disagreement about this; it's just good old, reliable lifting wisdom. You should definitely warm yourself up before you start lifting around your max on a compound lift, but other exercises--in which you should be pushing yourself hard--aren't the way to do that neccessarily.
So at the START, But only after some warming up and stretching?...Is that the general consensus?
ghostwipe said:
At the start, so your stabilizers and assisting muscles are at full strength.

Well thats the theory behind it is'nt it, Do it at the start while you are full of energy so you can perform the lift with proper technique.

If you only do 5 exercise's per workout, on a deadlift day lets say they are DL, shoulder shrugs,Bent over rows, Upright Rows and 1 armed DB pullups(cant think of proper name), Then doing bent over rows and upright rows before deadlift would only be detrimental if your muscles were fatigued.
Now me personally i feel as though i have only just started my workout after 2 exercise's of 3x10reps.So doing deadlift at this point seems OK due to the fact that i am not tired in the slightest, infact at that point i have warmed up greatly and the endorphines are flowing and i feel as though this is the point in which to do the heaviest lifts.

As you can tell i am still of the view point that middle of the workout is best for compound movements,the middle being after 2 exercise's of 3x10(example).
Urban said:

I need convincing URBAN, why do it at the start when your muscle's are relatively cold, arn't you asking for an injury?
No, you're wrong, almost as wrong as doing 3X10 on deadlifts.

Don't do more than three reps except occasionally, and even then not over five.
You warm your muscles up by performing the lift at a lighter weight. They're called warm up sets.

P.S.: You don't want to do static stretching before you work out.
I currently do deads second. Hulk mentioned warm up sets. They were not made for nothing, they prepare you for the punishment to come.
CarnalSalvation said:
No, you're wrong, almost as wrong as doing 3X10 on deadlifts.

Don't do more than three reps except occasionally, and even then not over five.

I dont do 3x10.
here's my typical deadlift routine.

10x 40kg(90lbs) warm up set
7x 60kgs(130lbs)
5x 80kgs(175lbs)

Ok i see what Hulkmania is saying and that performing the exercise at a lower weight and building up to heavier DL's should be sufficient warming up of muscle's...I'm satisfied with that.:icon_chee