Deadlift question


Orange Belt
May 31, 2007
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So I'm a weak bastard (5'8"@65kg), and I first did my deadlift a week ago after >1 year gym experience (don't ask why) and fell in love with it at first sight. I did a lot of sets pyramiding from 40kg to 75kg and finished with 75x3 then dynamic 40x10 again.

The next 5-6 days I couldn't extend my back literally, I couldn't even lean over to put my socks on or brush my teeth, etc...

Then the pain went away, but if I try deadlifting again with any weight I get terrible back pain. Did I fuck up my lower back completely? Or will it recover with time? Did I went too much for the first deadlift session ever for my weak build ? And yes I know for sure that I did it in proper form and didn't round my back.

I'm feeling depressed, I want to deadlift!!!
So I'm a weak bastard (5'8"@65kg), and I first did my deadlift a week ago after >1 year gym experience (don't ask why) and fell in love with it at first sight. I did a lot of sets pyramiding from 40kg to 75kg and finished with 75x3 then dynamic 40x10 again.

Bro did you just say you did 75 sets of 3 reps? And 40 sets of 10s?

Are you lying down to type this? You must be.

edit - oh are you talking about 75kgs for 3 reps? I'm still confused. You may have just worked too hard that session, and as a result you haven't recovered yet. Somethign stupidly intense would just fry you. Go to the doctor and a good physio.
Yes I just worked to my top set of 3, which appeared to be 75kg and prior to that I did many sets with 5-10kg increase, like 40x10,50x10,55x8,60x6 etc. I don't remember exactly just did it the way I felt it.

I know that this weight is very light for a deadlift, but that was my first deadlift ever and I'm at 65kg BW.
The pain is most likely just DOMS (soreness).

I see a foam roller in your future.
Deadlift is the easiest lift by far to overtrain. When I first started deadlifting I used to get horrible, horrible DOM's in my lower back too. It will go away with time and more deadlifting.
You didnt' hurt anything with 75 kg.

I have.


Since its your first time deadlifting, its probably just really bad doms. Give it a few weeks and the doms shouldn't be so bad.
Try not to do so many next time,
Start at a higher weight.

Lol every1 else STFU, I shouldn't post on 4 hours sleep. (I'm at work, sherdog is easier than work rite now). lol :icon_chee

Still, the crazy numbers confused me an the pain he was describing sounded like he could of actually done something wrong - if you didn't injure yourself, just do less. I tend to do one medium set, and one heavy set as my warm ups, then pretty much go full on for the next 4/5.

Also - lower bk pain is very easy to overestimate in terms of seriousness. but it's also no fun if you have actaully fucked something up as well...
You're probably pulling all with your back, and not at all with your legs or ass. Are you pulling conventional? Get your ass down next time you train, and search for deadlift help threads here, since a lot of the people here have given great advice in improving form.

You have probably just made your spinal erectors hate you. Take it easy, pop some advil, and get a cute girl to massage your back. Don't pull for at least a week to let yourself heal, and come back with half of that intensity. Also, you should probably be putting in some auxiliary training in with this deadlifting since your body isn't used to it and it can't hurt. Try romanian deadlifts (don't kill yourself on the weight), lat pull-downs (strong lats only help your pulling), rows, etc. Everything and anything back, ass and hamstring.

Knock yourself out, maybe just a bit more carefully this time :wink:
Well, the first 5 days I couldn't move my torso even to get a cup of tea, it felt like I was in an iron knight armour.

The following days, up until now I don't have constant pain, but I still can't take any weight from the floor, and do bent-over rows too. Can DOMS last several weeks ?

So next time I should do less sets and reps, but start at about 80%?

You guys suggest that DOMS resulted from volume, not weight?

You're probably pulling all with your back, and not at all with your legs or ass. Are you pulling conventional? Get your ass down next time you train, and search for deadlift help threads here, since a lot of the people here have given great advice in improving form.

You have probably just made your spinal erectors hate you. Take it easy, pop some advil, and get a cute girl to massage your back. Don't pull for at least a week to let yourself heal, and come back with half of that intensity. Also, you should probably be putting in some auxiliary training in with this deadlifting since your body isn't used to it and it can't hurt. Try romanian deadlifts (don't kill yourself on the weight), lat pull-downs (strong lats only help your pulling), rows, etc. Everything and anything back, ass and hamstring.

Knock yourself out, maybe just a bit more carefully this time :wink:

Thanks for the advice,
Yeah I pulled conventional. I definitely felt my hamstrings, not sure about ass tho. And I used to do some RDL with 60-70kg in the past. I always do weighted chins, various rows and all that stuff. I guess only the spinal erectors are a weak link here.
The next time you do deadlift drop the high rep set at the end. Do something like 50%/5 65%/3 75%/3 85%/3 95%/3, where 100% is 75 or 80kg.

The following day early in the morning do a simple exercise with high repetitions (30-100) that hits the lower back, e.g. DB swings (with a very light dumbbell) or bodyweight good mornings.

The worst DOMS I had probably lasted 3 or 4 days. But the lower back can cramp up a bit after deadlifting and could take longer to get back to normal.
It seems like you probably are lifting too much with your back. Maybe a problem with form?

I used to have the pain too, but after reading that deadlift article in the FAQ, my weight went up and the pain went down alot. My number still suck, but it feels alot better and I feel I can get more weight up.
It sounds like you did hurt yourself because your form sucks. try to record a video of you deadlifting.
You are probably lifting with your back. Ass down, chest out, toes curled up, push down with heels (don't yank the bar, just grip it).
Tense the hell out of your glutes as the bar breaks off the floor, keep 'em tense and focus on bringing your hips forward as you bring the bar up.

I read that tip on Stronglifts and it really does help minimize the stress on your lower back.
The next time you do deadlift drop the high rep set at the end. Do something like 50%/5 65%/3 75%/3 85%/3 95%/3, where 100% is 75 or 80kg.

The following day early in the morning do a simple exercise with high repetitions (30-100) that hits the lower back, e.g. DB swings (with a very light dumbbell) or bodyweight good mornings.

The worst DOMS I had probably lasted 3 or 4 days. But the lower back can cramp up a bit after deadlifting and could take longer to get back to normal.

This is good advice.
Tense the hell out of your glutes as the bar breaks off the floor, keep 'em tense and focus on bringing your hips forward as you bring the bar up.

I read that tip on Stronglifts and it really does help minimize the stress on your lower back.

V good IMO ^ Concentrate ur hips forward by pushing thru your glutes, you might feel liek you're humping the bar but that's ok lol.

And adding to the post above me, the one I use is to lie down and do some non weight bk extensions (eg lie on your front and do the superman thing) and focus on good form etc. That can really fry you if you're not used to it or have been deadlifting a lot.

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