Deadlift form check


White Belt
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
This is my first attempt at the deadlift, your feedback is welcome!

(I don't know much about it, but I think my first rep was a little bit too much arms)
looks like your legs are straightening too soon. Think of the whole movement in terms of hip extention. As your hips extend, your legs will straighten and your will pull back on the weights. I once had a one handed golf coach who told me it's all in the hips.
Need more weight.

You're looking down on the decent. It's not a problem with the weight you're using, but it's probably not a good habit to have when you start doing max-ish lifts.
Ok, thanks for the quick reply's, i know i need to pull more weight, this was only 70kg (do you count the bar:redface:). So, i need to push my hips more forward instead of upward, thats all?
Careful with jerking the weight up like that, you can really hurt yourself when you actually put weight on the bar. I agree with Urban, you straighten your legs too soon, but your deadlift is in fastforward, so I did the best I could watching. Get your chest up so your back isn't rounded.
yeah, as you kinda of pointed out, you "use too much arms," and you shouldnt be using any arms, they should be locked the whole time.
Try this. Put at least 315 on the bar (or other suitable weight), and try again.
Ok, i think i will try a harder set with more weight.
Can i do that tomorrow? Cause i read about the deadlift taking much off your body, but not mine right?(70 kg)

and 315 lbs, i bought a set of 140 kg, i converted it to lbs and that is 308.6471670588286 Lbs to be precise... i'll just try something i find hard!
Ok, i think i will try a harder set with more weight.
Can i do that tomorrow? Cause i read about the deadlift taking much off your body, but not mine right?(70 kg)

and 315 lbs, i bought a set of 140 kg, i converted it to lbs and that is 308.6471670588286 Lbs to be precise... i'll just try something i find hard!

Um, deadlifting 70kg + bar isn't a lot, so you can probably pull tomorrow no problem. But you get the idea, right? More weight so we can see what your form really looks like, and get that rounding our of your back. Keep your ass down, too.
When you set the bar back down -- keep head up (don't look down), chest out. Initiate the descent by pushing your ass back as far as possible and bending your knees only as much as you have to to get your ass back. This will keep your back arched properly. The bar will slide down the front of your body. Once the bar is below your kneecaps you can bend your knees more. Keep head up and chest out the entire time.

You have to learn to do this by feel. Practice with the bare bar for 10 or 20 reps, you'll get it.

Also, some lifters prefer to just drop the bar after lockout -- it's up to you, but unless you have bumper plates and/or a padded surface under the plates, you're gonna risk damaging the plates and/or flooring.
puff your chest out, look fwd/up, roll shoulders back
Your elbows look bent when you jerk the weight up. That will be a disaster when going heavy.
man to be frank that looked pretty bad overall the best advice i can tell you is to go to the faq at the top scroll down to the question Q: How do I add 50lbs to my bench/squat/deadlift? and read the article on deadlift form by dave tate that should give you a much better idea of what to do then a few snippets of advice here and there

i just tweaked my form a bit after reading it and my deadlift went up 50 pounds just by doing it right