Here is my run down on Pedro Sauer's school
Pedro teaches his students twice a week in two - one hour and a half sessions. He usually misses one class every two weeks due to seminar scheduling so on average students see him four and a half hours every two weeks.
Classes begin with a warm up run then stretching and drills (shrimp, roll, etc.). This lasts for about fifteen mintues. Next the head instructor teaches a move (the next highest belt under Pedro)
Pedro shows up 30 minutes into class and corrects a move the head instructor is demonstrating or shows a move of his own. He ususally shows two or three moves per class from the same position (i.e. side control, guard, etc).
Pedro demonstartes moves in PERFECT detail, leaving nothing out and is able to field the "what if" questions confidently. Partners drill the first move about three times each (unless your partner is slow like molasses), then Pedro adds more details and you drill it another three times and move on to the next variation. Pedro does not walk around and watch people execute the move. He talks to people and if soeone has a question they come up to him. Partners rely on partners for feedback, basically.
Then what happens is that higher belts stay on the floor and lower belts line up against a wall. Lower belts walk to the higher belts and start from the position (position practiced in class) and if they are swept or submitted they go back in line, if they beat the higher belt they stay on the mat. This usually lasts from 5 - 15 minutes.
This is the format for every class.
Ocassionally Pedro talks M etaphorically about jiu-jitsu philosophy and tells a story Gracies in Brasil. He admittedly never talks about points or sport jiu-jitsu competition. He teaches jiu-jitsu as a self defense. he believes in submissions and finishes, not wins by points. He emphasizes collar chokes. He doesn't get into leglocks or feet submissions. He doesn't get into strategy or discuss what moves have the best rate of success. He gives out knowledge slowly. He is very respectful and outgoing. He shakes everyone's hand before and after class. He doesn't stay after class.
chime in guys, what is your school like?