Social Dave Rubin and Jack Murphy criticize the "liberal" IDW

Again you’re kind of going we are going off topic and holding on to one thing I said that might not have been the perfect description but nonetheless the main point still stands. I may not have articulated myself in the best way so let me try it again, I think young people living in America today, and who have never actually experienced life where their ideas of socialism are implemented, are just useful idiots.

Not to be confused with their resentful professors and older Marxist ideologues who are much more sinister and aware of the consequences.
Fair enough. No hard feelings.
That's what he was at first and he brought on lots of different commentators from the left and right and legit people too, writers and politicians and serious figures like that. But once he saw the views and money that the right wing grift brings he completely changed his channel and now he basically does promotion for the low tier right wing new media figures. Notice that someone like Sam Harris has not appeared on his show for some time, its always some culture war grifter pitching a new shitty book or something like that.
Exactly. His old friends from those days don't want anything to do with him anymore because they saw how he shifted. His old fans from those days now shit all over him in his Reddit because they see what he did as well. His new fans are all right wingers who view him as a tool to show how crazy or unreasonable the left is. That's it. Hell, I used to be a fan of his, but I'm not going to stay a fan of someone when I see them sell out and their grift becomes obvious.
Average IQ is in the 90’s you muppet.

I said he’s not q genius but still more intelligent than the AVERAGE shertard, which is not saying much. The average person is pretty limited in ways he can articulate his points, and Ruben is definitely well above average, whether you like him or not.

If you think he's as intelligent as you then you're just admitting you're dumb. He's easily less intelligent than the posters on here who discuss policy.
If you think he's as intelligent as you then you're just admitting you're dumb. He's easily less intelligent than the posters on here who discuss policy.
Well I guess we can just keep going in circles, because you’re naive and you think the “average” person is very intelligent. I don’t think you understand what double digit IQ means, even though or maybe because you fit that description.

It bothers me that Peterson is considered an enemy of the left and so much goes into discrediting him.

Attack the ideas, not the person. I think he's attacked so personally because it is really, really difficult to attack his actual arguments logically.

I'm super liberal, have watched many hours of his lectures and debates, and think the claims that he hates women are insane.
The guy is pretty mild and has no I'll intentions. His biggest fault is he dared to speak his mind and has nuanced positions. As you said, most of his detractors never mention any of his positions and take his word out of context. "So what you're saying is.." is usually their MO. And that's sad because of how transparent it is.

Where do you rank Joe Rogan? Because I think of Rogan as normal guy intellectual horsepower and he made a fool out of Rubin last time they spoke.
Sorry I missed this earlier.

I think he's curious, self aware of his limitations and tries to keep an open mind. So while he's not some genius he applies himself and does his best to absorb the information coming his way. That puts him head and shoulders above high IQ people who don't do their due diligence as it comes to thinking things through. Rogan is like me; pretty average but makes an effort to do the best with what he has.

And yeah, I had a bad case of second hand embarrassment for Rubin that episode. Dude came off like some basic under informed college student.
The guy is pretty mild and has no I'll intentions. His biggest fault is he dared to speak his mind and has nuanced positions. As you said, most of his detractors never mention any of his positions and take his word out of context. "So what you're saying is.." is usually their MO. And that's sad because of how transparent it is.

Sorry I missed this earlier.

I think he's curious, self aware of his limitations and tries to keep an open mind. So while he's not some genius he applies himself and does his best to absorb the information coming his way. That puts him head and shoulders above high IQ people who don't do their due diligence as it comes to thinking things through. Rogan is like me; pretty average but makes an effort to do the best with what he has.

And yeah, I had a bad case of second hand embarrassment for Rubin that episode. Dude came off like some basic under informed college student.

It was recently brought to my attention that he makes videos for PragerU.

No matter what your politics are, PragerU is evil. Possibly the worst mainstream propaganda out there, run by billionaires.
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