Dave "MF-ing'" Chappelle

A comedian or comic is a person who seeks to entertain an audience by making them laugh.

^ Dave hasn't done this in years
Webster's defines a terrible response as one that opens with a dictionary citation.

I get that you don't find him funny and you get that a comedian is a matter of perspective.
Nostalgia + Black = GOAT, this is what the world has become

its like when Missy Elliot returned, not even that great in her heyday but people pushed the agendas

who's next Steve Urkel? z0mg the best actor ever *fanboys in snowflake*
Dude thinks he's God's gift.

I mean he literally acts like he has the world figured out, doesn't he? Am I the only one see's this?
I know what you're talking about.

I think Dave is hilarious WHEN he's focused on comedy.

But his 2 weaknesses are when he gets preachy and when he gets too full of himself.

A couple specials ago he had a bit where he literally said he was "too good" at comedy. And then he used a mediocre joke as an example. I know it was just a bit in his routine, but I think there's some truth to that bit. He does do and say things that come across as being very conceited.

Also I noticed he gets a ton of courtesy laughs. Because people love him so much they laugh even when the material is just ok. Whereas an unknown comic writing with that same material with the same exact delivery and timing would get far fewer laughs.

I still think killing them softly and sticks & stones are 2 of the best specials in history, but he's a little uneven with his others.
Tried showing my son (17) Chappells show an he says its not funny. I guess the greatness is only for my generation
Also I noticed he gets a ton of courtesy laughs. Because people love him so much they laugh even when the material is just ok. Whereas an unknown comic writing with that same material with the same exact delivery and timing would get far fewer laughs.

His name is so powerful that he has the Kardashian/Kanye West/Joe Rogan effect where people around him are scared of him and just want to be part of the team. Fans included especially "woke white people" would be scared to ever say a bad word about him.
Young Maya was a sweet piece of ass.

Young Maya? I agree. Still would to this day though.