Dave Camarillo shows judo moves

Jimmy Cerra

Amateur Fighter
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
I love how he does those combos. I'm still too stiff to bounce in-out-in like that. That's something I'm working on a lot lately, but it is very slow to get right.

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I really really hope I get the opportunity to study Judo this year. Some of those throws would be so fun to be able to do.
That's what I look like when I do judo. And then I wake up :redface:

Makes it look pretty effortless, doesn't he.
That was nice. I never really grasped the yoko tomoenage. I always did it traditional, straight back. I usually managed to roll into mount when I hit it. The yoko does look sweet though.
Sweet vid. I gotsta get me some judo.
Love the osoto to the yoko tomoe; hella sick. Also loved the caption for that part: "Outside Reap to Sideways Captain Kirk Throw" :D
Yeah, that shit is sick enough to really make me jealous. Very fluid. A lot of time my combos are pretty mechanical.

The head cam stuff is more disorienting than educational but the Judo is great.
Dave is the Man!

Yeah, as much as I am generally entirely too cynicaly to really be a nutthugger, he is one of the guys in grappling that I really think has developed a dynamic and fully integrated game.

He did a great article on integrating Judo and Jiu Jitsu that a lot of you have likely already read but its worth reading if you haven't.

Yeah, as much as I am generally entirely too cynicaly to really be a nutthugger, he is one of the guys in grappling that I really think has developed a dynamic and fully integrated game.

He did a great article on integrating Judo and Jiu Jitsu that a lot of you have likely already read but its worth reading if you haven't.


Thanks, hadn't seen that before. Good article.
nice stuff, I would like to see Dave compete in judo again, BJJ as well.
Given the fact the moves/video is planned/scripted why does he take like/almost a fake step on many of the throws he does it @ .31 its a large step in with his right foot, or is this just part of the foot work?
Given the fact the moves/video is planned/scripted why does he take like/almost a fake step on many of the throws he does it @ .31 its a large step in with his right foot, or is this just part of the foot work?

part of the foot work. In many of these throws he's setting up combinations by going for one throw and switchingto another. Also using fotwork to trick the opponent into reacting to a throw may not really be coming at all.