Dave Camarillo - Amazing Armbar?


White Belt
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Is this common to catch the arm right there? Do you think he drills this off from the sweep?
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/R602yHp4nuQ?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Sorry fellas, new to this forum. Thought imbeding a video would be just like any other forum, guess not.

I put a funny meme up to show you I know how to forums.
It's kinda like that armbar drill where as soon as your partner straightens their arm, you armbar it from whereever you are. If the arm is straight, it can be armbarred. But nonetheless, it was a pretty badass armbar to catch.
It's kinda like that armbar drill where as soon as your partner straightens their arm, you armbar it from whereever you are. If the arm is straight, it can be armbarred. But nonetheless, it was a pretty badass armbar to catch.
Very true.
The guy is an arm killer
I love how the loser pulls a total d-bag move and kicks at Dave Camarillo like a kid throwing a tantrum after getting his arse handed to him.
That was pretty sick, as soon as he sees his arm is straight he jumps on it.
that sweep from de la riva into armbar was amazing. Dave is the man when it comes to armbars
one of the best on the planet when it comes to hyper-extending an elbow,and since starting out as had the style i want to emulate well rounded,great judo,and slick sub game,seems like a very classy dude too
- fortunately for his opponent,a lesser person would probably have dished out the beating that ass hole deserved,what the hell was he thinking?
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^ unashamed camarillo nuthugger, hope i get to train with him one day.
wow, that was slick.

any details on that sweep? i've been playing around with that collar and arm control, except i've been shown to use the foot on the hip on the arm side and foot on the biceps on the other arm. a rough guard to pass. dave is just sort of pulling him towards himself then switches to de la riva to elevate him fully?
I love how the loser pulls a total d-bag move and kicks at Dave Camarillo like a kid throwing a tantrum after getting his arse handed to him.

i think it was because he tapped and dave didn't let go immediately. that might've pissed him off, especially if his elbow popped.
Sweet armbar.

That Edson Missio is a *********-bitch. He had plenty of time to tap to that armbar. Lucky for him Dave Camarillo has a lot of self-control - I'd have stomped the moron's balls to mush.
^^ but he did tap, i'd say a good second or two before dave let it go. i think camarillo just missed it.
He tapped, it just didn't seem like Camarillo felt it, and the ref didn't see it because of the roll. Seems like Dave let it go when he heard the guy's screaming rather than felt the tap.

You can't blame him for being a little upset if his elbow popped, but he definitely reacted like a child, kicking Dave like that. Made Dave look even more impressive by respectfully bowing to his petulant and beaten opponent.