Data Shows Racial Bias in Miami-Dade, Florida Marijuana Arrests

We have this problem in Missouri, especially with traffic stops. The data is posted annually by the government, interestingly. No arm twisting required, it's out in the open.
Well blacks are raised to hate and distrust cops. So of course any interaction of the least will escalate quickly and of course the cop not wanting to look like a punk will use extra force. That's just my extrapolation of the data discrepancy ya know...
My point is already proven. They're deliberately obscuring data that they don't need to obscure, and the data presented is presented without meaningful qualification and context. It's worthless. This reminds me of that University of Chicago report recently on gun violence that deliberately omitted charts/data about perpetrators by race despite including victims by race, and all other other demographic data about perpetrators.

I'm not your monkey, and their data already shows that Whites aren't given preference.
What else is there to hide, you either give the citation if it's under 20 grams or you don't.

Also the data show that whites were given preference, you're just excluding white hispanics. Even if you just stick to non Hispanic Whites you will see that they make up 15% of the population, 19% of the arrest, 16% of the convicted, and 14% of the incarcerated. Look at how hit goes down.

Now let's look at Black non-Hispanic:
17% of population, 38% of arrest, 43% of convicted, and 43% of incarcerated. It goes up

Now let's look at Black Hispanic:
2% of the population, 8% of arrested, 11% of convicted, and 11% of incarcerated. Once again it goes up.
Well blacks are raised to hate and distrust cops. So of course any interaction of the least will escalate quickly and of course the cop not wanting to look like a punk will use extra force. That's just my extrapolation of the data discrepancy ya know...
I don't blame them. People, esp non Black people hate TSA but TSA don't kill anybody, or plant anything.

We have this problem in Missouri, especially with traffic stops. The data is posted annually by the government, interestingly. No arm twisting required, it's out in the open.
Yea the data that came out of Ferguson is disgusting.
What else is there to hide, you either give the citation if it's under 20 grams or you don't.

Also the data show that whites were given preference, you're just excluding white hispanics. Even if you just stick to non Hispanic Whites you will see that they make up 15% of the population, 19% of the arrest, 16% of the convicted, and 14% of the incarcerated. Look at how hit goes down.

Now let's look at Black non-Hispanic:
17% of population, 38% of arrest, 43% of convicted, and 43% of incarcerated. It goes up

Now let's look at Black Hispanic:
2% of the population, 8% of arrested, 11% of convicted, and 11% of incarcerated. Once again it goes up.
Look, it's simple. Go get me the regression analyzed data. Prior records affect whether cops choose to arrest people, and how judges choose to sentence. That is rational law & order.

The data presented is incomplete in its rawness, and even the incomplete data shows Whites seeing no preferential treatment (White Hispanics benefit).
Look, it's simple. Go get me the regression analyzed data. Prior records affect whether cops choose to arrest people, and how judges choose to sentence. That is rational law & order.

The data presented is incomplete in its rawness, and even the incomplete data shows Whites seeing no preferential treatment (White Hispanics benefit).
Prior arrest wouldn't reflect in the trend up from arrest all the way to incarceration unless there was a bias in policing already because the white numbers would trend up as well.

White Hispanics are white.
And some of you fuckers claims white privilege doesn't exist.

Cute, but doesn't change the fact that white privilege exists. I'd post links and stuff but I'd rather not waste my time on someone with an obvious agenda.
Except that isn't what the data indicates. Otherwise that preference should show up regardless of whether someone is White or White Hispanic.

Also, you're looking at meaningless data.
Well blacks are raised to hate and distrust cops. So of course any interaction of the least will escalate quickly and of course the cop not wanting to look like a punk will use extra force. That's just my extrapolation of the data discrepancy ya know...
You might be taking it a bit far, but attitude is a huge component.

Everyone should know by now that your attitude in dealing with law enforcement will determine how harshly you’re treated. The worst group in this regard are sovereign citizens, search YouTube and you’ll see countless videos of sovereign citizens talking themselves into being arrested. Same with anyone else. If you’re respectful and apologetic there’s a much better chance for leniency. If you’re obstructionist and rude you’ll be treated harshly. We’re literally trained to react that way.

Statistics will never show this but it’s a huge factor. Not saying that Miami might not also be fucked up, but it’s a factor that may be at play here.
Maybe white people are better at hiding weed....

This isnt news at all. pretty much every statistical measure shows that marijuana usage is fairly evenly spread throughout the races' percentage wise, while arrest FOR usage falls disproportionately upon blacks. Out of a sample size of 75 whites, and 25 blacks. a third of both of those groups will be habitual weed smokers, (25 white, 8 black) yet arrest will invariably 2 whites and 6 blacks.

It gets even more lopsided when actual punishment is taken into account whether first time offenders see maximum sentencing or reduced or probationary status. Go ahead and guess who gets the long hard cock of justice in the ass in THOSE circumstances....

Basically, cops will hurdle past 5 white guys smoking weed to taze and gang whoop the ass of a single black guy with a few grams of hash on his person.

Its the same with virtually all crimes (here in Canada's at least).

White kids get off easy because "we don't want to ruin their bright future" while black kids are persecuted much more harshly.

Same for other petty crimes like shoplifting etc... Privileged folks more often get a slap on the wrist while poor people or minorities (indigenous people especially) are given disproportionately harsher sentences.

Def a two tiered justice system.
so uh no Hispanics were arrested in Miami Dade county for Mj?

word? or are they being counted as white?
seems odd that out of a 10000 sample size, literally all arrests were either white or black people?
considering whites are only 15% of the population of Miami Dade county and Hispanic is 65%, i'm thinking they are including Hispanic people in these numbers
LOL, yep, that wasn't hard to spot:

Of course! Why present the regression results transparently along with the rest of the report when you can hide them behind a request-wall.

Fuck this report. Not wasting my time on it. The bias is evident in the above.

Wait, bias is evident by telling people that the regression analysis matches the reported information and that the regressions analysis can be requested?

How does that support bias? Not doing the regression or not letting people access the analysis might suggest bias. But doing them and telling you how you can get them for personal review doesn't line up with bias.
They obviously ran a cost benefit analysis and realized that if they arrest poor people, they get more convictions because they can't afford an appropriate defense. It's why a lot of wealthier defendants have charges dismissed. It costs the court a lot more money to put someone away who has a legal team, vs a guy with a public defender.
LOL, yep, that wasn't hard to spot:

Of course! Why present the regression results transparently along with the rest of the report when you can hide them behind a request-wall.

Fuck this report. Not wasting my time on it. The bias is evident in the above.
your bias is evident literally every single time you post.
Wait, bias is evident by telling people that the regression analysis matches the reported information and that the regressions analysis can be requested?

How does that support bias? Not doing the regression or not letting people access the analysis might suggest bias. But doing them and telling you how you can get them for personal review doesn't line up with bias.
i think people are more likely to take this guy madmick seriously and try to prove him wrong based on his blue name. people are easily manipulated. he has a clear and obvious agenda and bias in every thread in the war room, and ive only just started viewing this forum recently.

he should be totally disregarded.