Daron Cruickshank


Brown Belt
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
What do you guys think of him? How far can he go and is he as good as his last performance made him look?
Very impressed with his stand up game. but still really early. don't know much about his ground game.
I always wonder with threads like this if it is actually Daron Cruickshank and he is just super insecure looking for support from idiots on the internet.


I think he has very dynamic striking and am looking forward to your next performance Daron!
I like him

if his takedown defense is good and if hes got a good chin i think he can make some moves in the LW division
Are the headkicks the number one cause of unwarranted hype?
Serious question.
I always wonder with threads like this if it is actually Daron Cruickshank and he is just super insecure looking for support from idiots on the internet.


I think he has very dynamic striking and am looking forward to your next performance Daron!

Why would you think that?


On Topic I think he did a good job and looked good, actually saw some of his old figths and he seems like a decent fighter.
Anyone that was born into a family of martial artists has a hell of a chance to be great and he looks like he has all the tools just a matter of finding the right team to progress Tristar or roufus sport would be great camps for him
He looked good getting into the house on TUF, but then he got beat in his first fight by James Vick who eventually got eliminated by Michael Chiesa. :icon_lol:
He looked good getting into the house on TUF, but then he got beat in his first fight by James Vick who eventually got eliminated by Michael Chiesa. :icon_lol:

He got knocked out stiff by a freak knee. Could have happened to anyone.
Entertaining fighter, flashy, was hoping he would get an opportunity or two following TUF - good to see him making the most of it.
Yup, anyone can get KO'd at anytime, that's a loss.

actually it's not a loss. Thank god tuf fights don't count because the fighters have hardly any time to prepare, have awful training, and the fights are only 2 rounds.
actually it's not a loss. Thank god tuf fights don't count because the fighters have hardly any time to prepare, have awful training, and the fights are only 2 rounds.

Actually it is a loss, he did lose that fight. His record has nothing to do with it.
He can go pretty far if his chin holds up. He got knocked out by Vick and rocked in his first UFC fight but he's looked pretty impressive so far.
A decent prospect for now but unless he improves drastically, there are more killers out there.
Watching him kick in his most recent bout, I thought I was watching an elite prospect, but I vaguely remember hearing his name before.
entertaining fighter. will never crack the top 10.