Dana White defends streaming; trashes piracy

I defend promiscuous sex but trash condoms. Some of us live on the edge. Deal with it, Dana.
It's amazing Dana White can still speak after singing the way he has all these years.
I defend promiscuous sex but trash condoms. Some of us live on the edge. Deal with it, Dana.
that is not a good analogy.

There is no putting the pirating genie back in the box. X percent of the populace will always do it and that just needs to be priced in to the ones who pay. Free Riders, which is what pirate streamers are, exist wherever they can exploit a system and they always will. As long as they know 'others will pay for it so I can get away with not doing it' many of them will but if they had no choice, they would likely pay as they do value the service or product.

Oh well, I won't get rustled over it.

That said there is a huge hypocrisy current within the free rider segment as they tend to try and justify their actions by pretending they are doing it as a rebuke to some perceived injustice. For pirate streamers they will often say 'fuck them. As long as they do not pay their fighters enough I am streaming', and in a separate but comparable area of 'tipping' the free riders say 'as long as they refuse to pay their waiters properly then I won't tip'. The same two false arguments that actually both hurt the people the free rider is lying to themselves in telling themselves they are 'standing up for them'.
As long as this guy doesn't butcher another classic rock song we're good.

LMFAO how the hell did I not know Dana was also the singer for the band Disturbed?
I bought a couple UFCs about 15 years ago, figured I have paid my dues.
Charge reasonable prices, pay your fighters who aren't Conor better, stop putting up with the shit Mcsportsmanship, and then let's talk
Can’t remember what having a earring on the right means?