Media Dana White’s brilliant next level business plan with sphere revealed.

If he's bringing in Netflix, Max, and Prime to see this specific live show that's a smart move.

FWIW - seems like some of those $700 nose bleed seats were recently snapped up destined for some "elite guests".
I’m hoping their next deal finally kills the pay per view model. It’s absurd and a decade outdated. But probably won’t happen.
This might work out. Just don’t let the media conglomerates see anything on powerslap
Should have put some better fighters on the card if this was his sales pitch

Remember the rumor that Max vs Top was gonna headline this card with Sean and Meerab the co-main? That would have been so, so much better for a marquee event
I wonder if the thought process here is that it doesn't matter if there are big names because the people being pitched to aren't really overly familiar with the fighters anyway.

Add that in many fights, higher stakes means less risk, having smaller fighters and potential squash matches might make more fireworks. Last thing the UFC needs is a Ngannou/Lewis situation.
None of this makes any sense at all. It's like the ufc have just given up on the idea that cards for "big events" should be, like, good.

The shittiness of recent cards, maybe you could say that's because ESPN guarantees money for every card so they just need to slap any old card together, but if the ESPN deal is finishing up, and they're shopping around for a new sponsor with this card...why the fuck would you throw such a weak card together?

Maybe thats the idea, they can say, look at this- even such a ahitty card and we still filled the seats!

I dunno. The shit state of ufc cards lately ain't the worst thing though. I don't have to stay up to an ungodly hour to watch the ufc nearly so much and also, should someone want to watch an illegal stream, they could certainly do so without feeling too guilty.
I wonder if the thought process here is that it doesn't matter if there are big names because the people being pitched to aren't really overly familiar with the fighters anyway.

Add that in many fights, higher stakes means less risk, having smaller fighters and potential squash matches might make more fireworks. Last thing the UFC needs is a Ngannou/Lewis situation.

Interesting thought. Indeed there have been some huge seeming fights that end up being absolute stinkers, like Lewis Ngannou, but I would be willing to bet that most of the time the big name fights end up being at least good, if not great.

I dunno. As melon scratchers go this sphere card is a honeydoodle
No pressure but if the event is a flop… Then wat


They'll just quietly distribute the remaining tickets for free. Not claiming to have any real insight, but I wouldn't even be surprised if they purchased them all to account them as sales, given the nature of the event.


I suppose you were posing the question, What if the event sucks? Well, then Dana will lay the blame upon the fighters, as he always does.
I'm a sherdogger I know the business better than Dana. I'd also like to assume I know medicine better than a doctor and shit.
Sherdoggers don't give advice on how Dana could make money, they give advice on how he can stop damaging the sport, which is entirely reasonable.
Can the younger demographic really afford Tom attend the Sphere or do you mean from a PPV viewing aspect as well?
PPV, I’m curious how it will look.

The whole sphere call seems like UFC trying to capture a younger fan base or new fans.

They’ve been around for long enough that their loyal fans are aging out, they are at that point where they have to transition fan bases
Sherdoggers don't give advice on how Dana could make money, they give advice on how he can stop damaging the sport, which is entirely reasonable.

Any sport that isn’t profitable is a dead sport though. Generally speaking, the profitability of a sport directly correlates with how successful the sport is.
You have no reason to think the UFC wouldn't be profitable if they did less harm to the sport. That's ridiculous.

Huh, I’m saying what is better for the sport is what is profitable.

Sherdog doesn’t give advice on what’s better for the sport (which I view as what most fans want),

Sherdog gives opinions on what each individual person likes more.
I get the Sean pick for the zoomers, but having Max vs Top for guaranteed fireworks would have really been a Forest/Bonnar deal clinching handshakes made move

There's a risk of either a Meerab blanket, or Sean on his bicycle for 5 rounds main event

The only thing I can think of is that maybe the UFC doesn’t want a blood and guts fight.

I don’t know what appeals to zoomers but going by stereotypes, I can see how they might not like crazy wars and might like a more strategic sports like sort of thing.