Media Dana: We'll keep Shara on Saudi cards, he probably can't fight in the US

I never mentioned a Putin photo. I never said it was because of his birthplace Dagestan. You say that I said a lot of shit that I never said because your reading comprehension sucks.

I was referring to Kadyrov (which was also strongly implied when I lumped him in with Khamzat)... which is exactly why I explicitly said a location "near" his birthplace knowing full well that Ikram was from Dagestan.

Kadyrov was president of Chechnya until 2011 when the title officially changed to "head" of Chechnya. So I guess if you want to be super technical on that one you can critique me for using the pre-2011 office title instead of the post-2011 title... as if anyone gives a shit about that.

I never said all Dagestanis couldn't fight in the US moron.

Re-read the post, then re-read it again, then bust out a dictionary to help your shit-level reading comprehension. Stop transferring your retard-level comprehension to other people's posts though.

You said, about western countries, this:

"They're all part of the virtue signaling club that bans fighters based on where they were born in order to posture as being righteous. So he likely can't fight in any of them."

... He was born in Dagestan, you absolute bell-end. What kind of game are you trying to play here? Faux-outrage accusations of countries rejecting fighters - in your words, "based on where they were born..."

you DID say what I accused you of - but you got me, I wasted 90 seconds re-reading your post to confirm that you are indeed this stupid.

Kadyrov was never a president. He was the head of chechnya, and this used to be referred to as "president" but no longer is, because the President of Russia is the President of Russia. It's like claiming the "president"of your lawn bowling club is a president, in a discussion where you're disingenously claiming people are being banned from entering countries because they are affiliated with a president. Kadyrov is not a head of state. He is, however, a warlord and human rights abuser.
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I don't get it, if it's because of Kadyrov then several western fighters would not fight in the US either...

Short answer, yes.

Some of these fighters it just gets very hard to get visas approved. Though maybe not impossible to do, it just isn't worth the squeeze each time is probably the position the UFC brass take with it. They just look at it as we have plenty of shows over there a year we can use these guys on the middle east and certain European cards.
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You said, about western countries, this:

"They're all part of the virtue signaling club that bans fighters based on where they were born in order to posture as being righteous. So he likely can't fight in any of them."

... He was born in Dagestan, you absolute bell-end. What kind of game are you trying to play here? Faux-outrage accusations of countries rejecting fighters - in your words, "based on where they were born..."

Kadyrov has NEVER BEEN PRESIDENT. Even if he HAD, prior to 2011, which he has not, you're still talking out your ass. Nobody was banned from anywhere because of where they were born, and nobody was banned from anywhere because they were photographed with a guy who isn't now AND NEVER WAS president.

Jesus, man... just take the L, here. You're not doing yourself any favours
I'll educate you one more post but won't waste any more time trying to turn an 80-IQ person into having 100-IQ reading comprehension since I know it is pointless.

He has run Chechnya since 2004 when his father died.

The official title before 2011 was president.
You lose.

Of course it is based on what part of the world they are form. That is why Khamzat (a Chechen pictured with Kadyrov) is banned from US/Europe/Australia/South America while Cejudo/Kamaru/Gaethje/Werdum (Americans/West Hem people also pictured with Kadyrov) are not banned from US/Europe/Australia/South America. You lose again.

Now stop trying to sound so certain about shit you don't know about. It is ok to not know but when you double down on shit you are clueless about it makes you look ridiculous.

Ok I'm done on the topic now.
I'll educate you one more post but won't waste any more time trying to turn an 80-IQ person into having 100-IQ reading comprehension since I know it is pointless.

He has run Chechnya since 2004 when his father died.

The official title before 2011 was president.
You lose.

Of course it is based on what part of the world they are form. That is why Khamzat (a Chechen pictured with Kadyrov) is banned from US/Europe/Australia while Cejudo/Kamaru/Gaethje/Werdum (Americans/West Hem people also pictured with Kadyrov) are not banned from US/Europe/Australia. You lose again.

Now stop trying to sound so certain about shit you don't know about. It is ok to not know but when you double down on shit you are clueless about it makes you look ridiculous / done on the topic now.

You're full of shit, compadre. There is no such thing as a delineated ban on fighters from dagestan who are affiliated with Kadyrov. You're making this up.

Your evidence for this is nonexistent. Your further claim that being pictured with "a president" is likewise disingenous. for one, because many fighters who have been pictured with kadyrov and who aren't american can enter western countries freely, and because refering to Kadyrov as a president is disingenous - he's the leader of an ethnic group within a country that has a president. He is not and never was a president. Nice try though.

Khabib, Werdum, Volkov, Islam, Zabit, Kharitonov, Vetori, Moussasi - from a quick google search of non-american fighters who have been associated with Kadyrov.

LLLLoooooooser! hahaha
You're full of shit, compadre. There is no such thing as a delineated ban on fighters from dagestan who are affiliated with Kadyrov. You're making this up.

Your evidence for this is nonexistent. Your further claim that being pictured with "a president" is likewise disingenous. for one, because many fighters who have been pictured with kadyrov and who aren't american can enter western countries freely, and because refering to Kadyrov as a president is disingenous - he's the leader of an ethnic group within a country that has a president. He is not and never was a president. Nice try though.

Khabib, Werdum, Volkov, Islam, Zabit, Kharitonov, Vetori, Moussasi - from a quick google search of non-american fighters who have been associated with Kadyrov.

LLLLoooooooser! hahaha
Volkov? Where have you find this? Seems very out of character for him - I am pretty sure years ago Abdulmanap invited him to train in Dagestan and he refused + he is friends with an mma fighter who if I am not wrong joined Russian army during Chechen campaigns to fight against separatists. Plus, isn’t his walkout music in some fights was some right wing rap?
Volkov? Where have you find this? Seems very out of character for him - I am pretty sure years ago Abdulmanap invited him to train in Dagestan and he refused + he is friends with an mma fighter who if I am not wrong joined Russian army during Chechen campaigns to fight against separatists. Plus, isn’t his walkout music in some fights was some right wing rap?

You're right - a ghost, I think I must have read something quickly about a different volkov who was quarelling with kadyrov, so we can strike that one from the list.

Regardless, though, there are clearly many fighters who are associated with Kadyrov and not born in the USA who aren't banned from entering - Those were just the high-profile ones. Though, admittedly, it doesn't look like Volkov is actually in that list.
Is there any actual information on why he can't fight in the US besides conjecture?
I'm honestly so tired of the US allowing Russians or people with terrorist links to fight in the UFC. It should be taken out of Dana's hands and he should be told he can't have them. I don't care how good they are. If they can't fight in the US, they shouldn't be allowed in the UFC.

There's a reason that athletes are supposed to have integrity and good values. They end up being role models for younger people. What message does it send when UFC stars are friends with Chechen war criminals?
No chance he's allowed to fight in Europe if he's barred from the US.

You're talking Abu Dhabi or Saudi Arabia, since there's no chance the UFC will head to Russia.

China, Brazil and Mexico all likely fine too.

Oh and probably Singapore.
He probably could have Bisping’d it. For some reason he got a really shitty looking replacement eye. He could have got something that looked almost real and got his medicals done in some foreign country or UFC doctor
So that guy with no legs or arms can fight in usa but not a guy with one eye?

What about bisping the pirate?
This is a great post. I haven't read the rest of the thread but do we have a official answer about why the USA would ban him?
You only care because he’s from Dagestan. Aldo had one of the worst fence grabs in history but I’m sure you have a reason why that doesn’t count
Dude is a weird case... he is a fanboy of Wanderlei Silva and Aldo, but hates Pereira and sides with Izzy and Hill.

Look, I'm a Conor Mcgregor fan , so it make sense why I hate Pereira, but in his case it's just weird.
You only care because he’s from Dagestan. Aldo had one of the worst fence grabs in history but I’m sure you have a reason why that doesn’t count
Yeah the reason is because Chad would have finished him if he landed that slam.
I'm honestly so tired of the US allowing Russians or people with terrorist links to fight in the UFC. It should be taken out of Dana's hands and he should be told he can't have them. I don't care how good they are. If they can't fight in the US, they shouldn't be allowed in the UFC.

There's a reason that athletes are supposed to have integrity and good values. They end up being role models for younger people. What message does it send when UFC stars are friends with Chechen war criminals?

Lmao, as opposed to the values the UFC sends by constantly "Supporting the troops" committing state terrorism in the Middle East non stop for the last 20 years?

You picked a retarded playing ground to be concerned with "integrity and good values".
They're all part of the virtue signaling club that bans fighters based on where they were born in order to posture as being righteous. So he likely can't fight in any of them.

Doesn't really matter in the long run. His grappling is already rightfully seen as his weak spot and a competent grappler should derail him if he progresses far enough.

Islam fought in Australia, and a ton of Dagestanis have fought in France and the UK recently.

Shara's issue is that he has one working eye.