Dana is far from perfect, but his take no $*** attitude is to be respected

You have to be a retard to not see through Dana's shit.

Dana is cool with everything under the sun unless its constructive criticism on his greed. In 2024, he's still having periods over Tito calling him out on his bullshit in the 2000s. He's anything but stoic or a "idgaf" gangster....

All the more reason, why Fedor became the goat when he told Dana to eat shit.
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You have to be a retard to not see through Dana's shit.

Dana is cool with everything under the sun unless its constructive criticism on his greed. In 2024, he's still having periods over Tito calling him out on his bullshit. He's anything but stoic or "idgaf" gangster....

All the more reason, why Fedor became the goat when he told Dana to eat shit.
I think people can have respectable traits to be acknowledged, even if you don't agree with everything they say or do.

Nuance exists. Even if I hated someone, I could still appreciate them in some ways, even learn from them.

But I think the depth of character analysis doesn't reach that far in most.

It's a black and white world.
I think people can have respectable traits to be acknowledged, even if you don't agree with everything they say or do.

Nuance exists.

But I think the depth of character analysis doesn't reach that far within most. It's unfortunately a black and white world.
I respect him for building up the org. But he's far from being a mature person or somebody that isn't easily offended.
I thought it was funny when he accidentally said something about men jacking each other off when referencing them fighting each other on the reality show.
well yeah he got the F U money
his take-no-shit attitude is one of the only things about him that can be respected.
Dana's probably the most easily offended media figure. He lords press access over the MMA media and throws a tantrum anytime he gets even a slightly challenging question.
Volumes of books filled with Dana's lies and goofy statements.

But every once in a while, Dana drops some wicked truth bombs. He is a very interesting character.
He's right on this, even if it does'nt make him any less pos

He could be worse and roll with american politics bs though
The same Dana White that wouldn’t let Randy couture corner his own son? The guy holds more grudges than a 13 year old girl. The remotest slight would see you black listed. Someone with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome says to themselves “well at least it’s not as bad as Dana”