Dan Quinn apex predator speaks the truth on McGregor

The man, the legend, the logo
@KONG-D'SNT-TAP Be prepared to be amazed playboy

Can’t believe I got almost 5 minutes into this video.

This guy is like the drunk wino outside the liquor store talking nonsense and once he starts it’s tough to walk away or say anything, you just hope he doesn’t start touching you
Him and Lenny Dkystra should make some mutant pyscho children
Truth, in reality the move is called the iron butterfly ... at least that’s what I remember it being called

Im not 100 percent but I think the Iron Butterfly is the german variation where she poops on you in the end

What say you Sherdog?

Could Conor Mcgregor handle the apex predator that is Dan Quinn?

Obviously skill wise Dan wrecks him. But could Conor crack the mental fortress that is Dan Quinn with his pre fight antics?

I agree with maitrya as always.

Nobody has ever suggested Connor would fuck maitrya up.

Maybe when dan loses his hand speed at 70.

Other than that good fucking luck.
Any Sherbro tried this magical Stevia drink?
Didnt Diego Sanchez actually train for a fight with Dan Quinn a few years ago? Diego and Quinn were slamming cold fusion stevia waters and developing those god like hand skills.
"If ever there was an instance to take a leap of faith, and just BLEND STEVIA IN WATER, this is truly it. Adding energy to Stevia and Water splits Water into a Soup that I believe is split h2o. The fact that Soup ‘returns’/seperates into 2 distinct layers, one being pure h2o and the other being foam that ph’d toxic on a digital ph’er should tell you that Stevia is changing water in some form or fashion. All it would take is a $10 investment at a local health food store, and blending some in water.

The American FDA illegalized Stevia for a reason. Because they don’t like anything that’s good or healthy for the population generally. Stevia seems to be an answer from mother nature that wasn’t allowed for in the rules and laws that govern physics and the other sciences. Please, just take the time to blend some Stevia in Water. And I know that you won’t regret the decision to do so.

I state that Stevia is the ‘missing link’ for Cold Fission that Einstein couldn’t find. And if he couldn’t find it, no one probably could. The fact that Stevia seperates chemicals from the h2o molecule, as well as me literally feeling my body purging itself when I started to use Stevia should be an indication that something out of the ordinary is going on here. What if I’m correct about this? All you have to do is take $10, and an hour out of your day, to blend Stevia in Water. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.!"

Dan Quinn
I'm still convinced he was a methhead that went off the deep end
Didnt Diego Sanchez actually train for a fight with Dan Quinn a few years ago? Diego and Quinn were slamming cold fusion stevia waters and developing those god like hand skills.

Yes, it was Diego's fight against Joe Stevenson back in like 2009.