

Dec 12, 2004
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I need a cup, i bought some crappy one that digs into my inner thigs, what is good company that is easy on the inside legs and protects and is easy to move in?
If it digs into your innerthigh it might actually be a size too large.
you should ask that at the equipment forum you'll get a better answer
Gsoares2 said:
I second that I bought a Fairtex Thai cup and put it in a regular cup strap and its very comfortable.
I tried wearing a box once at BJJ but found it awkward when rolling. I did Muay Thai after with the same box & felt fine. Rolling, with a cup don't work me.
Big Red said:
Rolling, with a cup don't work me.

Same, but I got CRACKED goooooooood a couple weeks ago, so I'm now thinking about it!
It is worth it. I roll with a cup all the time and it doesn't bother me at all.
I don't roll with a cup, but I wear one when competing. Mine is comfortable. Fairtex.
You gotta wear a cup man, you gotta. I wear one all the time, one time I didnt because the class previous to that I was rolling and got kneed in the balls while a guy was in my guard so hard that it cracked down the middle, and I dint realize it until I went to wear it next time and it broken. I took it out because I was afraid it would like pinch my nuts or something. That sucked so bad man, we did x-guard that day and my nuts were getting pounded. I dont know how people dont wear a cup, I feel so vulnerable without one.
daimyo said:
Same, but I got CRACKED goooooooood a couple weeks ago, so I'm now thinking about it!

yup, i got my balls twisted when i was in half guard's always a wise decision to protect the family jewels....
I wear Bike...never use Flarico !!! that's the worst
CoutureFan16 said:
You gotta wear a cup man, you gotta. I wear one all the time, one time I didnt because the class previous to that I was rolling and got kneed in the balls while a guy was in my guard so hard that it cracked down the middle, and I dint realize it until I went to wear it next time and it broken. I took it out because I was afraid it would like pinch my nuts or something. That sucked so bad man, we did x-guard that day and my nuts were getting pounded. I dont know how people dont wear a cup, I feel so vulnerable without one.

Not sure whether it's fear that causes some guys to get hit in the nuts more than others, or just a certain game. Maybe they just adapt their game to use the cup? I have a lot of years rolling without a cup and have no memorable incidents. Other people's cups have caused me more pain (armbars, triangles). Of course I also do standup without a cup...might have to change that it I get more serious.
I've got serious problems about doing fast armbars without a cup. It hurts like hell. Sometimes i fail the armbar because i'm too slow and i'm afraid to hurt my balls.
^^^^ dude...if you're hurting your own balls during an armbar attempt you need to work on your technique. I've seen some guys have problems with kneebars but never armbars. Try not coming straight down the middle and instead come in the line of the thigh. Unless you have elephant balls that is.
i know rolling with a cup sucks a ton when you're not used to it, but getting a good cup is well worth the investment. just gotta find the fitting slipper.

i've seen some mighty nutshots and while they're mostly accidental, i dont plan on walkin out there without a cup, and wouldnt wear a cup that wasnt comfortable.
I just decided the other night I'm gonna start wearing a cup when I roll... I'll try Fairtex.
Never used a cup but from what im hearing in this thread its something you will become dependant on if you use one all the time.

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