CSAC bans dehydration starting March 1st

I agree, there is no way the UFC can hold a card in CA under these rules. I wonder if CA would grant some sort of exemption for the UFC.

Don't think so because these rules seem pointed directly at the UFC. I'm sure Dana and his bosses are in meetings about this already. Dana's head has probably popped a bleeder. This is not a simple change, it would require restructuring the entire organization which they have spent 20 years building.
I have never had a problem with guys cutting tons of weight to compete at lower weight classes ... If a guy can make a weight no problem, rehydrate without an iv and perform, what is the issue? I understand the health aspect, but no one is making the person fight at that weight ... Next they will be capping how long a person can train for .. Because overtraining cant be good for you either
Dumb...People's Republic of California(PRC). If man wants to cut weight it is on him!!! So glad I moved to Nevada!!! Not a surprise!!! No UFC fights in The PRC???
Every fighter below Heavy cuts significant weight!!! Every one acts like it is only a few!!!! They all cut weight!! If you don't do it correctly you pay with a bad performance!!!!!
This is BS. Just allow the damn IVs. Fighters have been cutting weight for over a decade in all combat sports. In boxing, its pretty much legal unless otherwise stated in the bout agreement. Let MMA fighters have the same choice.

If you die while weightcutting, its your own fault. Part of fighting at a certain weight is preparing to fight at that weight. If you die trying to cut an insane amount of weight, its your own fault. You always have the choice to take a 20% purse forfeiture for not preparing for the fight properly, which is what i fighter should do if a weightcut can potentially put their life at risk. If you don't prepare properly you shouldn't be getting the money anyway. This is just an overreaction to a fighter dying and bodes terribly for the future of rulemaking in mma. What is going to happen the first time a fighter dies from a headkick?

This is going to lead to a serious drug problem in mma as fighters are going to find chemicals to put them into their weightclass since they are going to try to determine how hydrated you are.

Some fighters are good at weightcutting, some aren't. Its a skill and a balancing act that has become a part of the sport. Skill wins fights, not weightcuts. No commission or promotion has ever told a fighter "you must cut weight." If a fighter doesn't like doing it, he doesn't have to. He is still allowed to get in the cage and compete at his natural weight if he so chooses.

This is going to make fighters not want to fight in california. Who in their right mind is going to want to lose 10+ lbs of muscle for a fight in cali only to have to put that muscle back on for a fight in vegas 4 months later. Its a stupid rule that is only going to hurt the mma scene in california. This is why there needs to be federal sanctioning body that takes input and suggestions of the fighters on issues like this. They know the rigors and dangers of the sport better than any athletic commission beaurocrat.

Its like the damn IV ban all over again. Let the fighters use IVs. You are doing more harm to the athletes than good by banning them. Fighters with less fluid surrounding their brains will be way more prone to concussions. But the commissions and promotions come up with these stupid new rules all the time without talking to the fighters about what's best for their sport.

This isn't the olympics. There should be an MMA caveat for USADA rules. You dont just cookie cutter rules from one competition to a completely different one just because their the ones that particular agency is used to from the other competition. MMA should have its own USADA standards that preserve the rules that make sense for combat sports and getting rid of the ones that dont.

Fighters don't have to cut weight at all. It is a sacrifice for an advantage. Those willing to make the sacrifice get the advantage. Those who can't don't. But that should be for a fighter to decide, not a sanctioning body.
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This is BS. Just allow the damn IVs. Fighters have been cutting weight for over a decade in all combat sports. In boxing, its pretty much legal unless otherwise stated in the bout agreement. Let MMA fighters have the same choice.

If you die while weightcutting, its your own fault. Part of fighting at a certain weight is preparing to fight at that weight. If you die trying to cut an insane amount of weight, its your own fault. You always have the choice to take a 20% purse forfeiture for not preparing for the fight properly, which is what i fighter should do if a weightcut can potentially put their life at risk. If you don't prepare properly you shouldn't be getting the money anyway. This is just an overreaction to a fighter dying and bodes terribly for the future of rulemaking in mma. What is going to happen the first time a fighter dies from a headkick?

This is going to lead to a serious drug problem in mma as fighters are going to find chemicals to put them into their weightclass since they are going to try to determine how hydrated you are.

Some fighters are good at weightcutting, some aren't. Its a skill and a balancing act that has become a part of the sport. Skill wins fights, not weightcuts. No commission or promotion has ever told a fighter "you must cut weight." If a fighter doesn't like doing it, he doesn't have to. He is still allowed to get in the cage and compete at his natural weight if he so chooses.

This is going to make fighters not want to fight in california. Who in their right mind is going to want to lose 10+ lbs of muscle for a fight in cali only to have to put that muscle back on for a fight in vegas 4 months later. Its a stupid rule that is only going to hurt the mma scene in california. This is why there needs to be federal sanctioning body that takes input and suggestions of the fighters on issues like this. They know the rigors and dangers of the sport better than any athletic commission beaurocrat.

Its like the damn IV ban all over again. Let the fighters use IVs. You are doing more harm to the athletes than good by banning them. Fighters with less fluid surrounding their brains will be way more prone to concussions. But the commissions and promotions come up with these stupid new rules all the time without talking to the fighters about what's best for their sport.

Fighters don't have to cut weight at all. It is a sacrifice for an advantage. Those willing to make the sacrifice get the advantage. Those who can't don't. But that should be for a fighter to decide, not a sanctioning body.

No it is a skill that has nothing to do with fighting and that shouldn't give an advantage. it's about fighting not cutting weight so no it shouldn't give anyone an advantage to be a good weight cutter.
Fuck weight cutting and once the other commision follow this will be the norm. With what ONE FC is doing and now this I can see how weight cutting will be a thing of the past in a few years.
The UFC doesn't have to change the fighters jsut ewither need to lose fat and/or muscle mass or they need to move up a weight class it's not that complicated.
This is going to make fighters not want to fight in california. Who in their right mind is going to want to lose 10+ lbs of muscle for a fight in cali only to have to put that muscle back on for a fight in vegas 4 months later. Its a stupid rule that is only going to hurt the mma scene in california. This is why there needs to be federal sanctioning body that takes input and suggestions of the fighters on issues like this. They know the rigors and dangers of the sport better than any athletic commission beaurocrat.

Exactly. In some cases its not 10 pounds of muscle, its more like 20 pounds of muscle. You will have fighters who just refuse to fight in California, most of them probably. Its just not a doable situation.
If weight is such a significant factor that it trumps skill then it becomes even more important to adhere to the limits put forth on a given division.

Weight doesn't trump skill. Look at Fedor's whole career. BJ Penn. Randy Couture. Henderson vs Thatch.

Fighters can choose not to cut weight. Lets leave that choice to them instead of dictating to them rules they don't want because some beaurocrat in an athletic commission know whats better for them than they do themselves. Govt bodies should never be there to govern self harm, only harm done to others.
Exactly, UFC probably tells California to piss off. They are talking about doing dehydration tests and there is this little gem in the article as well...

If severe dehydration is verified by a physician, CSAC now has the ability to not approve a fighter to compete in that weight class in the future.

So the CSAC has now given itself permission to ban fighters from ever fighting in a weight class again. So in the case of Hendricks for example they could say we caught you dehydrating, you can never fight at 170 again. Banned MF'er.

If other commissions would uphold this ban, the ufc would DEFINITELY never hold a card in california again. What if a champ gets caught dehydrating?
If other commissions would uphold this ban, the ufc would DEFINITELY never hold a card in california again. What if a champ gets caught dehydrating?

What do other commissions have to do with not holding a card in Cali again? Does not compute unless you forgot a not
What do other commissions have to do with not holding a card in Cali again? Does not compute unless you forgot a not

If Cali bans a fighter from MW because he was too dehydrated and nevada upholds a Cali weight class ban, then you can potentially have champs or number one contenders being kicked out of their weight class. The ufc would never take that risk.

Another thing to consider is fighters like Mcgregor who can potentially fight at 3 weight classes. If he gets banned from LW in California and Nevada upholds it, which way do you think he is going to want to go? He will likely move back down to FW and just never fight in California and never fight at LW ever again. He could potentially be the FW champ that is not allowed to fight at LW because of a dehydration concern......this is literaly one of the most retarded rule changes ever. Its third only to the IV ban and the rule where you had to wait for ref permission to kick the head of a downed opponent.
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Don't think this is good for LHW, those guys cut like 10-30 pounds and are too small for heavyweight...

Aside from Jones and DC those guys would all get killed at HW. Gotta add cruiserweight now
The athletic commission has no business dealing with rules surrounding weight and weightclasses. Let the promotions and the fighters do that for themselves. If bellator wants to have a 195 lb belt, or One wants to have a 230lb belt, let them do what they want.

The AC should just stay in its lane and do what it does best: take money from working people while offering no tangible good or service in return. They are there for the gamblers, not the fighters.
If Cali bans a fighter from MW because he was too dehydrated and nevada upholds a Cali weight class ban, then you can potentially have champs or number one contenders being kicked out of their weight class. The ufc would never take that risk.

Another thing to consider is fighters like Mcgregor who can potentially fight at 3 weight classes. If he gets banned from LW in California and Nevada upholds it, which way do you think he is going to want to go? He will likely move back down to FW and just never fight in California or a at LW ever again. He could potentially be the FW champ that is not allowed to fight at LW because of a dehydration concern......this is literaly the most retarded rule ever.

Its even worse than that actually. McGregor looks like grim death at 145. He would have to cut a HUGE amount of muscle off his frame to weigh in 145 fully hydrated. Even at 155 he would still have to cut muscle off his frame to make that weight. Its more likely he lands at 170 and just stays there, forget 145 or 155. And also forget muti-weight champions. Any smart fighter would refuse any offers for California cards. Now the UFC has been put in a position to restructure the entire organization or stop going to California. Its the worst rule change in the history of the sport.
Its even worse than that actually. McGregor looks like grim death at 145. He would have to cut a HUGE amount of muscle off his frame to weigh in 145 fully hydrated. Even at 155 he would still have to cut muscle off his frame to make that weight. Its more likely he lands at 170 and just stays there, forget 145 or 155. And also forget muti-weight champions. Any smart fighter would refuse any offers for California cards. Now the UFC has been put in a position to restructure the entire organization or stop going to California. Its the worst rule change in the history of the sport.

Nowhere does it say in any of the articles that the CSAC can ban you from a weight class that you arent competing in.

So if cali bans mcgregor at 155 and the other ACs uphold it, there is nothing to stop him from fighting at 145 in the other jurisdictions and just never fighting in cali ever again. He could potentially be banned from ever competing at 155 but be free to fight at 145 as long as he doesn't go to california and get banned from that weight class aswell.

The UFC will just not hold shows in california until they lift this stupid rule or come up with one that makes more sense. Maybe if they took input from fighters, drug-testing agencies, promotions and athletic commissions could actually come up with a set of rules that works for everyone instead of shoving new rules down their throat every two years that dont make sense.

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