Crop Circles and Geoglyphs


Mar 6, 2006
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Crop Circles
A crop circle or crop formation is a pattern created by flattening a crop, usually a cereal. The term was first coined in the early 1980s by Colin Andrews. Crop circles have been described as all falling "within the range of the sort of thing done in hoaxes" by Taner Edis, professor of physics at Truman State University. Although obscure natural causes or alien origins of crop circles are suggested by fringe theorists, there is no scientific evidence for such explanations, and all crop circles are consistent with human causation.

A geoglyph is a large design or motif (generally longer than 4 metres) produced on the ground and typically formed by clastic rocks or similarly durable elements of the landscape, such as stones, stone fragments, live trees, gravel, or earth. A positive geoglyph is formed by the arrangement and alignment of materials on the ground in a manner akin to petroforms, while a negative geoglyph is formed by removing patinated clasts to expose unpatinated ground in a manner akin to petroglyphs.

I find these two forms of artistry rather intriguing.

Many believe crop circles to be nothing more than a trendy hoax, while others pitch different ideas (such as possible alien visitation). Whatever the case may be, many of them are rather complex and visually impressive.

Geoglyphs are a different story, the most famous being the Nazca Lines in Peru. A popular theory as for why such things were created by ancient peoples, was for tribute or to show reverence to their Gods. Ancient Alien theorists often attempt to use these artworks as evidence to support their claims of ancient flying machines.

Anyway, I thought both are interesting subjects and am curious to see what heads think about each.
Didn’t this all start because some guys in the UK somewhere decided to create crop circles themselves? pretty sure it was something like that then suddenly they’re all over the world. Probably a hoax. There’s far better ‘evidence’of alien life than f’n crop circles. There’s already a few videos of legit UFO sightings (Phoenix lights probably the best one). People can try explaining those away but there’s never been a real explanation. We have no idea wtf any of that shit was. Maybe USA and Russia should start testing nukes again and maybe something will show up in the sky again.
I remember when crop circles first started appearing and there were all these news stories about how the corn stalks were bent in a certain way that was impossible to do without breaking them so therefore it had to be supernatural powers that made em and there was no other possible explanation and we were all doomed!
And then some dude went out there and made a perfect crop circle by himself with a fuckin board and a piece of string
Didn’t this all start because some guys in the UK somewhere decided to create crop circles themselves? pretty sure it was something like that then suddenly they’re all over the world. Probably a hoax. There’s far better ‘evidence’of alien life than f’n crop circles. There’s already a few videos of legit UFO sightings (Phoenix lights probably the best one). People can try explaining those away but there’s never been a real explanation. We have no idea wtf any of that shit was. Maybe USA and Russia should start testing nukes again and maybe something will show up in the sky again.
I remember when crop circles first started appearing and there were all these news stories about how the corn stalks were bent in a certain way that was impossible to do without breaking them so therefore it had to be supernatural powers that made em and there was no other possible explanation and we were all doomed!
And then some dude went out there and made a perfect crop circle by himself with a fuckin board and a piece of string

Start video at around the 3min mark, that's where she talks about this. Otherwise, here's an article with somewhat similar information (if you're not in a place where you can watch a couple mins of video).
One of the most ways in which to tell if a crop formation is a hoax or not, at least according to experts, is to examine how the crops bent. Obvious hoaxes can usually see the crops snapped down into place relatively clumsily, with the stems broken. However, so-called real formations show the crops folded or bent into place, with the stems still intact. Therefore the crops still good to harvest.
This bend in the wheat is usually just before the first node and investigation has suggested that this is often achieved by subjecting the area to a quick blast of very high temperature.
I always liked the crop message that popped up as an answer
to the one Carl Sagan sent in to space.

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This bend in the wheat is usually just before the first node and investigation has suggested that this is often achieved by subjecting the area to a quick blast of very high temperature.
This little tidbit here is how I know they're full of shit, or at least the people that told them that are. This is absolutely false. It's so ridiculous that it's comical.
Alien 1: "What's the best way to establish contact with these 'humans'"?
Alien 2: "How 'bout make some pictures and random geometric shapes in their unprocessed food supply"?
Alien 1: "That's brilliant"!
Alien 1: "What's the best way to establish contact with these 'humans'"?
Alien 2: "How 'bout make some pictures and random geometric shapes in their unprocessed food supply"?
Alien 1: "That's brilliant"!
I dunno man. Maybe they are not physical beings but dimensional. So they can't physically interact with us. But the symbols in the crop circles represent something significant but we cant understand it as lower beings
So, a race of beings capable of interstellar travel comes to our star system, pilots to Earth, passes our satellites and international space station, monitors our planetary communications, measures our intelligence, is able to prevent us from capturing a single frame of provable evidence of their existence ...but often gets caught hovering in plain sight over trailer parks and population centers?
This little tidbit here is how I know they're full of shit, or at least the people that told them that are. This is absolutely false. It's so ridiculous that it's comical.

Have you investigated crop circles?

Alien 1: "What's the best way to establish contact with these 'humans'"?
Alien 2: "How 'bout make some pictures and random geometric shapes in their unprocessed food supply"?
Alien 1: "That's brilliant"!

The Sagan video shared above aside, perhaps they don't even care about communicating with us. Maybe they use it to communicate with each other, in the main, and aren't concerned with a few dumb humans milling about afterwards investigating a short lived imprint in some crops.
Crop circles are the work of people on peyote that disappear for a day or two.
Nobody has discussed Geoglyphs ITT. That's unfortunate. Thought for sure someone might comment about this fella:
Cerne Abbas Giant
Unlike many other geoglyphs mentioned on this list, the Cerne Abbas Giant, located near the village of Cerne Abbas in Dorset, England, is likely not a prehistoric creation. The earliest mention of its existence occurs as recently as the 17th century. Even so, its creation and meaning remain shrouded in mystery.

The figure is most notable for its depiction of a giant man with an erect penis. It has been called"Britain's most famous phallus," and has become a popular tourist attraction.

I dunno man. Maybe they are not physical beings but dimensional. So they can't physically interact with us. But the symbols in the crop circles represent something significant but we cant understand it as lower beings
Maybe they're calling us gay
You know you're tired when you saw the title and it read Crocop and Gonzaga.
Have you investigated crop circles.
No, I’ve spent my life surrounded by crops. The idea that high heat will cause plants to lay over on their side is beyond stupid. It tells me their “investigation” was sitting at home and reading shit on the internet, which they then misinterpreted since they’ve never been outside the city.