

Green Belt
Jul 20, 2006
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No...sorry folks not the menstral variety. On a serious note I am having bad cramps in my feet, hips, and calves while grappling. I take Glutamine and BCAA's. Do you think that could be the reason? Also, how the hell do I make them stop? People told me to eat bananas. I hate them, so that is out of the question. Please and suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
someone I knew had the same problem and I think he had some kind of potassium deficiency. Im not saying you have that but you never know. Besides...theres more foods that are equally and higher in potassium as well. Take a look at this link.
Hit up those bananas dude, and im not talking about your boyfriends!!!!!!!! *rim shot!!*
No...sorry folks not the menstral variety. On a serious note I am having bad cramps in my feet, hips, and calves while grappling. I take Glutamine and BCAA's. Do you think that could be the reason? Also, how the hell do I make them stop? People told me to eat bananas. I hate them, so that is out of the question. Please and suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You also may want to do a search on Glutamine here in the forums.

I was told that Glutamine was useless as a supplement for recovery here.
I'm pretty sure Gatorade has a decent amount of potassium in it. If you can't stomach the bananas.
Just go to a local store such as a gnc and get some potassium capsule or something of that nature...all you have to do is take a pill that way and it will work wonders.
You also may want to do a search on Glutamine here in the forums.

I was told that Glutamine was useless as a supplement for recovery here.

I heard that as well. I also take L-Glutamine from GNC. I have been recovering pretty well but who knows if its from that. I eat well and take other supps too and maybe that has more to do with it than the Glutamine. I still take them though for other benefits Ive read about.
i think it has to do with pottasium or sodium levels.if you are supplementing with anything make sure you keep your hydration level up,i believe that can cause cramping as well.
No...sorry folks not the menstral variety. On a serious note I am having bad cramps in my feet, hips, and calves while grappling. I take Glutamine and BCAA's. Do you think that could be the reason? Also, how the hell do I make them stop? People told me to eat bananas. I hate them, so that is out of the question. Please and suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

It's neither the glutamine or BCAAs; electrolyte depletion has been the mainstay believed cause of muscular cramping for a long time, but for the most part its a fallacy, and is more related to neural fatigue.

Here's an excellent multi-part article on muscle cramping by Dr's. Dugas and Tucker (it's a five part series.)
I know this could be a long shot...but you could also have a magnesium deficiency which could in turn lead to cramps. If you have been having a craving for chocolate lately, that could also be a sign of a potential magnesium deficiency. However, I think I am just calling a horse a zebra, and that the true issue is a sodium/potassium issue.
since u don't like bananas go 4 oranges
and keep drinking a lot of water
also make sure u r doing something correctly
i get cramps in calves if i go 4 a Triangle choke and i have my leg on the anke instead of the shin part.
It tears me up.
U might be doing it right idk. Anyways yeah just eat oranges then.
It's neither the glutamine or BCAAs; electrolyte depletion has been the mainstay believed cause of muscular cramping for a long time, but for the most part its a fallacy, and is more related to neural fatigue.

Here's an excellent multi-part article on muscle cramping by Dr's. Dugas and Tucker (it's a five part series.)

Interesting read. Thanx Mike. Here's a bit of another related article linked to that page.
It's quite likely that many of you believe that cramps are caused by dehydration. Or perhaps you've heard that they result from a shortage of electrolytes, specifically potassium. Maybe it's a lack of minerals (zinc and magnesium). Not enough stretching and massage is another theory.
Alas, all of these have been ruled out as primary causes by the limited independent research that we do have. That's right folks: None of those expensive sport drinks and electrolyte replacement potions will prevent cramps.

Apples also have a fair amount of potassium in them.

I've only had cramps in my calves after grappling and running a lot. I try to avoid them at all costs because when it happens it contracts so hard that it damages the muscle and I end up bruised and in pain for a week or so.