Crack Dealer Freed Early Under Obama Plan Murders Woman, 2 Kids

second sight

We have officially entered the "Age of Deception"
Apr 15, 2014
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Crack Dealer Freed Early Under Obama Plan Murders Woman, 2 Kids

A convicted crack dealer who left prison early as part of the Obama administration’s mass release of federal inmates has been indicted by a grand jury for fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend and her two kids in Columbus, Ohio. The gory crime drew national attention because the children, ages 7 and 10, were murdered to eliminate them as witnesses in the brutal massacre of their 32-year-old mother.

So the alternative is to keep every nonviolent offender in prison for life?
Person who was released from prison did a bad thing. The moral of the story is, never release anyone ever.

Also, waaaaahhhhhhh Obama.
add this to the list of a hundred plus gitmo detainees that have returned to terrorism

6,000 drug convicts coined “non-violent” (poor and minority offenders)
my guess is these guys will out number the returning gitmo crowd easily
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So the alternative is to keep every nonviolent offender in prison for life?
No, it is just to free them before their sentence is up as you can tell by these results.

Person who was released from prison did a bad thing. The moral of the story is, never release anyone ever.

Also, waaaaahhhhhhh Obama.

Another death on Obama's hands.
BREAKNG!!! Man who ate Big Mac murdered someone. No source required

Execute all drug offenders!!
That's fucked, but hes Osamas people so no biggie.

Should be given death sentence now. the chair.
I made a thread about 4 strikes = lifetime in jail. we should post in that thread again.
Loving the comments on that site, tells you more about TS than anything else.
eh I'm no Obama fan but I don't see how him being freed early would of changed this. I mean some people straighten up their act in prison and turn there life around but how long does that take? 5 years? 2 months?.. can't blame Obama on this ... I don't like this hit piece
Person who was released from prison did a bad thing. The moral of the story is, never release anyone ever.

Also, waaaaahhhhhhh Obama.
That's a very blasé and disgusting attitude you have there...regardless of left, or right, what you done there, is subhuman.
That's a very blasé and disgusting attitude you have there...regardless of left, or right, what you done there, is subhuman.

If laughing at manufactured wingnut outrage is wrong then I don't want to be right.
thx obama??
Actually, you could thank Obama for this..he is responsible. And the same would go for ANY president that let a dangerous offender go free, only to kill
If laughing at manufactured wingnut outrage is wrong then I don't want to be right.
I wonder if the family of the victims feel that it's "wingnut outrage" too?. Again, your attitude, coupled with your fanboyism is utterly disgusting
Why not think of ways to reduce recidivism rates instead of locking people away for stupid amounts of time in an environment that might as well be the goddamn Thunderdome for all the good it does to people.