Coworker's Undercarriage Smells Like A Sweaty Armpit

If you don't like the smell of female crotch, join the gheys. They are a welcoming bunch.

Get after it tiger!.......

Do you put the burned up transmission smell above old gear oil being drained from a differential? I put nasty old gear oil above burned up tranny fluid / clutch pack material when it comes to bad car smells.

Basically meant gear oil. I've been away from the race track for bout 10 years so I'm a bit rusty on my smells.
If I enter a bathroom and it smells, I'm not going to assume the person immediately before me is wholly responsible for that. Bathrooms are often poorly ventilated; what you're smelling is the accumulation of everyone that was there that day.
Basically meant gear oil. I've been away from the race track for bout 10 years so I'm a bit rusty on my smells.

When Ford was using manual transmissions made in Mexico in the 70s, part of the dealer prep of new vehicles was to replace the gear oil. I don't know what they used but it had a terrible smell.
Just had the worst experience at work, Sherbros. My work has a unisex bathroom close to my work area and a female coworker used it for about 20 minutes. An hour later I had to piss and assumed whatever shit stank would be gone by then. What I encountered was so much worse. I walked into the bathroom and directly over the toilet was a foil sour stench of musty armpits, like stinky homeless stench. Idk if she rubbed one out in there on the low or what but a bathroom shouldn't smell like your crotch 30 mins after you've used it.. I held my breath as I peed and wretched a few times on the way out. Snorted some hand sanitizer to cleanse the nostrils.

Anyone have any horrific work bathroom stories?

Did it smell like the dumpster behind a Red Lobster?
Women's bathrooms are fucking disgusting. I worked in bars for years. Men's rooms weren't pristine by any means but the womens..... ugh

Yeah most people would think the opposite but I had a friend who was a janitor & confirmed this. He said that the women's bathrooms were worse & absolutely filthy.
There were a few where I worked that could really stink up the bathroom. As the old saying goes Something must have crawled up their ass and died because they couldn't possibly have eaten anything that smelled that bad.

I put a large candle, a lighter on a chain and a sign saying light the candle before using the toilet. I didn't want them to light it later and have an explosion.

i would be very careful about putting "candles" anywhere. apparently they are code for vibrators and you could catch a sexual harassment charge.

fucking cripples living the life...and they are so fucking smug...oh, and I wish I had parking spots up close just for me. fucking cripple supremacy we are living in

PS back in the 80s cripples was the term for crippled people. Now they call crippled people handicapped. Oh wait, different abled? oh wait, now they call them...
Costanza, is that you?

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