Couture on Conor - "Who's the Lion, little Effing Bethe" and high fives Royce (LIVE VIDEO)


OG from 1993
Oct 23, 2010
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As Conor's carcass lays on the ground...

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:eek: Randy and Royce... it got to that.

And who knew, MMA Legends hang out together like in those Heisman Trophy commercials.



:eek: Randy and Royce... it got to that.

I think it might be shocking how many people associated with the industry, fighters, coaches, etc. wanted to see McGregor ended. You don't just roll up on the UFC and proclaim yourself the greatest thing ever and say you run the fight game and all the other shit he has talked and not rub people the wrong way. It compounds the problem that the UFC decided to pay the ever living shit out of McGregor in a way they never paid any of their big stars before. The hate for this guy, I think, runs very deep and he's made alot of people resentful. He is viewed as undeserving of what he has been given.
I think he was gonna get it anyway,it woulda just taken alot longer. UFC saw dollar signs with this guy,and decided to put the full might of their weight behind him,but he was allready acting like that allready.
Just a few days ago, Royce was shaking Conor's hand, now he's celebrating his loss.

Dishonest piece of shit.
I think it might be shocking how many people associated with the industry, fighters, coaches, etc. wanted to see McGregor ended. You don't just roll up on the UFC and proclaim yourself the greatest thing ever and say you run the fight game and all the other shit he has talked and not rub people the wrong way. It compounds the problem that the UFC decided to pay the ever living shit out of McGregor in a way they never paid any of their big stars before. The hate for this guy, I think, runs very deep and he's made alot of people resentful. He is viewed as undeserving of what he has been given.
Yeah. Nate kept calling it a "push" during the press conference, like some WWE shit.
rps20160307_134832.jpg Might be my favorite pic EVER.
Didn't realize how many fighters wanted conor to lose so bad
You wouldn't expect Couture and Royce to hang out.
EA UFC 2 cover took a beating from both sides