Could you be in a serious relationship with someone that’s had over 100 sex partners?

this reminds me of when this place was 80% incel threads just a few years ago.
A few years ago? Seems like just yesterday . . .

But to add a little (man online pretending to be a) female perspective. This is a tricky one for me. Because I don’t care enough to ask or know how many women a man has been with. But if I can tell right off the bat that they’re a whore, I want no part of it. Not quite sure why that is. But it doesn’t matter anyways because I have no interest in dating nor fucking, so everybody can be a whore for all its worth and it doesn’t affect me.
Thanks, I actually needed to add the Lysol wipes to my grocery list and forgot. Adding now!
I don’t think loose with the love women are actually looser. Maybe they dated only basketball players or something.

Honestly it would bother me too much. There is probably too much baggage. I am assuming 100 people can’t all be hookups. There is probably some trauma going on. It goes for men too.
Not a chance. It shows horrible judgement and zero lack of self respect or self control. You are just going to be the next jabroni on her list and be forgotten about wirhin a week.
The gif[t] that keeps on giving


Some say it doesn't matter, yes it does, it's what a person puts their time and energy into like anything else and is something to be taken into consideration like anything else.
No. And there's many caveats here. I would never enter into a serious monogamous relationship again because I realized it serves no function for me whatsoever, so I don't really care. But I would not advise other men to commit to a woman who's had a very high number of sexual partners.

For women it's easy to get laid and is only reflective of her lack of decision making. What is driving this kind of behavior? It certainly isn't a positive one. And after a certain number of partners, it gets harder and harder for a woman to commit.

But at least for men, getting laid a lot can be reflective of some sort of value since it doesn't come easy for us.

I would say it's not good for men either to have too many sexual partners. I don't have a puritanical view on sex, but I think it is sacred and special. You're sharing a moment with another human being but modern hookup culture reduces other people into basically living blow up dolls used for instant gratification. I do think it dehumanizes people. When I used to be a man whore, I didn't like that I was basically reducing women into numbers and barely memorable drunken hookups. It's not even good sex or fulfilling in anyway.

For women it's even worse because they think more about their previous partners than men do. They'll compare you to the guys they used to fuck or date. They'll compare you to the jacked 6'5 football player they used to hook up with. They'll compare you to the one guy who was really funny if you're not as funny. They'll compare you to the guy who was rich and took them out to fancy dinners. They'll compare you to the guy who was really nice. The list goes on and if they had 100+ partners, that's a lot of different men you'll be compared to. The more partners a woman has had, they harder it gets for her to be able to commit. It's just the way they're wired because females have evolved to constantly look for the next best thing as a survival tactic. It's unfortunately a bad trait for being happy though.
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My gf of 2 years said she’s been with 50 dudes, she’s 50 yo. I guess it it doesn’t really worry me, well sometimes in the back of my mind I think about it, like will she get sick of me, but I’d do my head in thinking like that all the time, just try and enjoy everyday with a beautiful person
" I'm really sorry I'm late for our date..."
" That's okay but before we start chatting, you should know I've slept with 3 other guys before you.."
" Oh , that's okay, that's actually quite a low number really."
" Well, you were only 20 minutes late...."
My gf of 2 years said she’s been with 50 dudes, she’s 50 yo. I guess it it doesn’t really worry me, well sometimes in the back of my mind I think about it, like will she get sick of me, but I’d do my head in thinking like that all the time, just try and enjoy everyday with a beautiful person
1 a year.
