Coronavirus not very megathread.

How so? You do know that you're not draining MY economy, right?
Why is the joke on me? Have you been "lieing" all these years that you can't work because you're too lazy?
Says someone barely making minimum wage lmao
I wrote this last November.
We now have the data in graphical form.


It looks like Africa has multiple factors going for it. This study does mention ivermectin but also admits there’s not enough evidence to confirm that. The main thing seems to be that there is a younger population in Africa and it’s well known that the elderly are the most vulnerable to covid.
At least 7 right wing radio hosts who are anti mask and anti vaccine have all recently died.

All 7 would have lived if they got vaccinated.
I posted this in a different thread.

Idaho hospital forced to turn away hundreds of transfer patients amid Covid surge

"Idaho hospitals are so overwhelmed with the surge in coronavirus cases that doctors and nurses have to contact dozens of regional hospitals across the West in hopes of finding places to transfer individual critical patients.

The situation has grown so bad that the Idaho Department of Health and Wellness announced Thursday that the entire state is in a hospital resource crisis, permitting medical facilities to ration health care and triage patients.

Kootenai Health, a hospital in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, has already converted a conference room into an overflow Covid unit, started paying traveling nurses $250 an hour and brought in a military medical unit.

"It's just nonstop trying to find placement for these patients and the care that they need," said Brian Whitlock, the president and CEO of the Idaho Hospital Association, who noted that hospitals across the state are struggling with the same issue. "It really is a minute-by-minute assessment of where beds are open, and hospitals saying we don't know where we're going to put the next one."

Idaho hospital forced to turn away hundreds of transfer patients amid Covid surge (

I remember this talk about "Death Panels" a few years ago. It seems that we're on the cusp of those becoming a reality. We "freedumbed" our way into it.
Damn vaccinated people don't die from covid?

Israel must have zero deaths.

Well here in America the overwhelming majority of deaths are form the unvaccinated. same with the people filling the ICUs.

But I’m sure you looked into that already
You said all 7 would still be alive.

I'm just asking why vaccinated places are still having deaths then.

Places like America where there are hundreds of millions of people show you the overwhelming deaths come from the unvaccinated. And the vaccinated people who are dying for the most part are very old or have a lot of health problems.
Places like America where there are hundreds of millions of people show you the overwhelming deaths come from the unvaccinated. And the vaccinated people who are dying for the most part are very old or have a lot of health problems.
Most the unvaccinated dying are over weight with health conditions also.

America has a health problem and this virus is just showing that.

If you look at places that are high vaccinated with Pfizer, 5-6 months after it seems they are back as square one.

Astra on the other hand seems like a decent alternative but seems to have a few more problems with people getting sick from it.
May I ask why the anti vax Covid is a hoax people are punching the air about fat and old people dying of Covid?
Most the unvaccinated dying are over weight with health conditions also.

America has a health problem and this virus is just showing that.

If you look at places that are high vaccinated with Pfizer, 5-6 months after it seems they are back as square one.

Astra on the other hand seems like a decent alternative but seems to have a few more problems with people getting sick from it.
AZ used to be a client of mine. Their IT dept where I held my meetings was in actual cages where they tested on monkeys.
AZ used to be a client of mine. Their IT dept where I held my meetings was in actual cages where they tested on monkeys.
What the hell thats nuts.

It still seems the better option for protection from the virus if/when people get one.

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