International Coronavirus Breaking News, v11: NBA Cancelled. Tom Hanks Infected. U.S Bans Travels From Europe.

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Dammit bud, I'm sorry to hear that. All the best to you and the wife.
Thank you.
We took the punch pretty well though. I just hope we will get another chance.

anyway I guess it’s for the best, being pregnant during the flu would have sucked
Alright boys its time to start worrying about the stock market. We are teetering super close to a full blown recession and peoples 401k is disappearing in minutes. Trump tried to save it but looks like it did absolutely nothing.. If we drop another 10-20% it will definitely be time to panic.

From what I'm seeing it's more volatility than a straight drop. We're going from bull to bear to bull over and over in the span of hours. People just gotta calm down.

I have followed (lurked) the war room since before the 2004 election (sadly a number of good posters have left since then; Das Uberdog, Massgrunt (sp?), et al). It has always been an interesting place to read other peoples opinions; whilst i did not agree with some opinions, Ip always wanted to know how they had come to that conclusion. Generally there was a decent spread of opinions, some morons/ trolls/ possibly insane but funny (Happeth if you remember him) people and most of all; people could joke with those they might not share the same opinions (Massgrunt and Das Uberdog met up in real life (IRL) for a beer and they were diametrically opposed on some things; I'm fairly certain it wasn't a date).

This forum has been a bit of a cess pit of late; albeit there are a decent number of people using this forum as intended (a bit of debate with a lot of memes).

This thread in particular but this series of threads in general has been a beacon of light; its stopped me panicking, so I can do what I can (get a reasonable amount of frozen, canned and dry food stocked in the freezer/cupboard; acquired since January in dribs and drabs i.e. not panic buying), and follow the data gathered and presented in these threads; as posters add cavaets, explanations, theories (some a bit wacky imho), etc; it has all calmed my nerves.

I have seen over the course of these threads; many minds being changed, people being convinced in real time to change their mind on this threat, on a karate forum. That has probably saved at least a life or two, but definitely helped to stop spread).

I started watching UFC tournaments on VHS, still cant believe how far its come. MMA has improved as a whole but it will never be as good as it was, i think it was the waiting so long for events that made it better and of course Rickson. I am in an at risk group (lots of good advice throughout these threads), my loved ones are at risk (as are everyones) but technically, we are all in an at Risk Group (Triage); and its an understandable worry.

This thread has made me literally laugh out loud; with P4P best comebacks, good use of memes, shitty use of memes and the right amount of gallows humor. This is exactly what Al Gore wanted.

Keep up the good work!
Another blood bath on the stock exchanges; trading was halted again today, second time in 48 hours. Dow almost 1900 points down already today.
I feel like I'm one of the few people that ISN'T acting like this is the end of times. Yah, it's not great but for christ's sake, this ain't some Black Plague or Spanish Flu situation.

I don't know what it is but I know this. There is no way for you to make that determination until its over.
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