Cops Shoot Unarmed White Man In California, where's the outrage?


Just like mountain, ya paying your dues
Jan 3, 2009
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The double standards are shocking..No protests, no celebrities opening their mouth's, no marches...nothing. All the race hustlers need to wake up and stop pushing lies about "systematic racism" in the police force, because even in the most high profile cases, Garner, Gray, Brown etc, NONE of those incidents were caused by racism. I acknowledge that there is a problem with police brutality and over reacting with the use of excessive force, but that applies to ALL people, NOT just where's the outrage?, or are people just happy to go along with a big lie because it makes them feel like they are a part of something "important"?

I'm outraged. Later today I'm going to make a queer affirm anti-establishment webpage called #WhiteLiveMatter because this is getting out of hand. People making mistakes is joke of an excuse and all cops need to be fired and replaced with all those law abiding hard working low income black communities.
I'm protesting outside of Starbucks rite now mang.

Please keep an eye on my MacBook Pro. I left it charging inside.
I'm outraged. Later today I'm going to make a queer affirm anti-establishment webpage called #WhiteLiveMatter because this is getting out of hand. People making mistakes is joke of an excuse and all cops need to be fired and replaced with all those law abiding hard working low income black communities.
Just go and block traffic..that'l show em..
Then start a #WHITELIVESMATTER twiiter hashtag and go protest. Nobody is stopping you fron doing so.
Then start a #WHITELIVESMATTER twiiter hashtag and go protest. Nobody is stopping you fron doing so.
How about we stick with #ALLLIVESMATTER and stop letting these lying race baiting motherfuckers divide people?, or is that too hard?
Then start a #WHITELIVESMATTER twiiter hashtag and go protest. Nobody is stopping you fron doing so.

There are definitive repercussions in doing that though. You're automatically a white supremacist and a racist. Good luck getting a job when the background check has that popping up.
Justified shoot imo, no outrage necessary.
Saw this on the news and other sites, seems like it was justified.

But just in should get yourself a hashtag and fight the powers that be. :)
Saw this on the news and other sites, seems like it was justified.

But just in should get yourself a hashtag and fight the powers that be. :)
Twitter sucks balls..i don't use it
How about we stick with #ALLLIVESMATTER and stop letting these lying race baiting motherfuckers divide people?, or is that too hard?

It is to hard. The internet makes any movement like this way to hard. Here's what happens. You start a movement called alllivematter. It spreads on the internet and becomes viral which sounds first. Then what happens is idiots get a hold of your movement start spouting off alllivesmatter while at the same time saying the stupidest shit and doing the dumbest things you could possibly do. Just look at feminism now. It used to be about true equality and some feminist still feel that way but now you have the super crazy ones who think two people getting drunk and having sex means the guy is a rapist. Not all feminist feel that way but if you run into enough of those feminist your not going to have a very healthy attitude towards that group because you've had to many negative interactions with the POS's who jumped on board.
It is to hard. The internet makes any movement like this way to hard. Here's what happens. You start a movement called alllivematter. It spreads on the internet and becomes viral which sounds first. Then what happens is idiots get a hold of your movement start spouting off alllivesmatter while at the same time saying the stupidest shit and doing the dumbest things you could possibly do. Just look at feminism now. It used to be about true equality and some feminist still feel that way but now you have the super crazy ones who think two people getting drunk and having sex means the guy is a rapist. Not all feminist feel that way but if you run into enough of those feminist your not going to have a very healthy attitude towards that group because you've had to many negative interactions with the POS's who jumped on board.
Well said...although an #ALL LIVES MATTER movement gets shot down immediately for being "racist" by the SJW bastards out there anyway
Crappy vid. Why can't this kid follow a simple instruction while having a gun pointed at him? Not sure any of the shots were justified, but the last two with him lying on his back seem awfully questionable.
Fresno Police Force: See we shoot white people too, please like us.
Why do people have such a hard time following instructions? Police officers will want to see your hands. If they can't see your hands they have to assume you have a gun in one.

It is extremely stupid to confront police.
Crappy vid. Why can't this kid follow a simple instruction while having a gun pointed at him? Not sure any of the shots were justified, but the last two with him lying on his back seem awfully questionable.
The initial shots were easily justified for the simple, basic fact that action beats reaction. With hindsight, we know that the kid was unarmed. But hypothetically, IF he had his hand on a gun, he could easily draw and fire before the average person/officer could react. Probably 4 times out of 5, in my opinion.

Anyone who ever played the "hand slap" game in high school knows what I'm talking about. It's impossible to react fast enough and the only way to win is to read the other person's body language or just with dumb luck.

The extra shots on the ground... Those are a lot more iffy.

He did reach for his waistband again prior to the 2nd round of shots, so it's tough to say. And approaching isn't practical because you're putting yourself in the crossfire.
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Go fucking protest then, no one is stopping you.
Wonder why Obama doesn't comment on this shooting, or the hundreds of other shootings of white people by the police every year. Almost like there's some sort of agenda at play.