cool bodyweight grip exercise


Green Belt
Apr 21, 2004
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in my never ending quest to find equipment free ways to strengthen myself i may have accidently evolved the fingertip pushup :redface:

to perform this exercise, simply get down on the ground into the pushup position and have your palms flat on the ground. but one quick detail that makes this whole thing work, between the floor and your hands place either a piece of fabric or plastic bag. Now squeez your hand colsed to raise yourself up onto your fingertips.

EDIT: spread your fingers out!

some extra tips is to make sure your leaning forwar in pushup position and keep locked in one position to make sure your not assisting the movment with the rest of your body. Also do it from your knees first. it's damn near impossible from your feet.

this gives the hands and lower forearms an awsome burn and i believe it has great transfer into grip strength.

try it out tel me what you think.
i believe i have found a way to strengthen the lower back as well, but i still have a few kinks to work out. it's kind of like a reverse situp/bridge type deal. i've got it down to the point where i can really work my lower back well, but i'm not 100% sure exactly how i'm doing it.

looks really cool i think you'll like it. i'm guna fully test it out tonight.
Speaking of bodyweight exercises, how about this using either a barbell or dumbbells do a floor bench press into a turkish getup, you can even do a one handed press or alternating press, but regardless of the variations go from each floor press rep immediately into a getup, but the getup has to be a full situp into a standing position.Be careful of when you go back down so you might want to start with lighter weights.
You might even want to try do it off an exercise ball, it's not exactly a floor press then, but still effective and just make sure your ball doesn't roll away as you return to the bench press position.
anyone try it? i wana know how well it works you guys.
You know why no one have tried it yet... Its because it seems darn hard...;):p And my fingers arent strong enough for usual fingerpushups so no help from me either..
Okay, so the fabric is something between your hands and the floor so that your fingertips can glide inwards easier? I did a few of these from the knees, made my forearms burn real good! Nice exercise.
I have to cut my nails first, then I'll get right on top of that.
sounds interesting... must try. my favorite body weight grip excercise, incidentally, is pull-ups on a towel thrown over the bar.
Ogun said:
Okay, so the fabric is something between your hands and the floor so that your fingertips can glide inwards easier? I did a few of these from the knees, made my forearms burn real good! Nice exercise.

yes thats exactly what the fabric is for.

good to hear you felt a good burn! i am starting to feel the affects of just doing a few a day after the fact. atfirst i only felt it in my hands but then i could feel all the forearm muscles that got worked.
A safe and easy method of developing finger strength before trying these pushups is to first attempt them leaning 45 degrees against a wall. I'm working on my thumb pushups right now, and without practicing on the wall for the first few weeks, I'd probably be unable to type this right now.
yes i was also thinking this as well. it's a good idea for anyone either too large or simply not strong enough to do it from floor.
Tried these last night. Damn they're hard. I'm going to give the "lean against the wall" version a go.