Conspiracy theory: we're being ruled by cats

Wilmer Digreux

Green Belt
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score
I found this on Reddit and thought it was worth sharing

So this is a somewhat lighthearted post, but one I genuinely believe anyway.

First, the facts:

Most cats in the world are infected with a disease called toxoplasmosis. This disease is not harmful to them, but is very infectious to other mammals.

Something interesting happens when mice get infected with toxoplasmosis - it doesn't harm them per se, but instead, makes them permanently lose their fear of cats, and instead be mildly curious about them. This means that the infected mice will approach cats, who will then kill and eat them. This is beneficial for the virus because it reproduces in the gut of the cat.

We know that a large proportion of cat owners are also infected with toxoplasmosis. Again, as far as we know, there are no serious harmful effects on humans.

However, here's the conspiracy - we have proof that the virus alters the effects of some mammals, in a way that benefits the cats. I believe that humans that are infected with toxoplasmosis change their behaviour too, but rather than losing fear of cats (which we don't have), we instead... become "cat people". We love cats. We browse cat memes, because we think they're cute. We fill our houses with cats and feed them and look after them and do everything that we can to ensure their continued survival.

This explains a number of things, including:

-Why some people are so unbelievably infatuated with cats, but other people don't care about them at all. No other pet is as divisive as cats.

-Why cats tend to gravitate toward non "cat-people". It's a common trope that a cat will always come to sit on a person who is not interested in the cat. This is because the cat is attempting to infect the human with toxoplasmosis - there is no sense in sitting on an already infected host.

-No other animal is as loved by humans whilst providing so little. Dogs provide constant companionship, can be trained to do a variety of useful things, and genuinely seem to delight in human companionship. Cats do none of these things. Sure, cat owners will tell you the story about their beloved Tiddles who follows them to the bus stop and comes for cuddles, but don't listen to them. They are infected. They are already subservient to their feline masters.

If you're reading this, and thinking that it's preposterous and that you love your cat just because he's a lovely animal, then I am truly sorry. It is already too late for you.

I've spayed/neutered 9 cats over the past year. They are everywhere around here <Fedor23>
Wouldn't the toxoplasmosis be controlling cats and humans then? The cats only do this when they are infected
Therefore, it is the toxoplasmosis' doing, not that cat's.
Holy shit this has some truth to it

When i had cats in the house I was OBSESSED with them. Spent hours and hours thinking about and playing with them, looking at cat pics, cat toys. When i got rid of all of them i was extremely sad for a while, like super duper sad, then after that initial feeling passed i have rarely if ever thought about them since and have no happy memories of them. Like an illness left me, almost. All they did was poop and scratch and honestly act confrontational.

Never ever look at cat memes or cat stuff anymore, and have no urge to.
I found this on Reddit and thought it was worth sharing

So this is a somewhat lighthearted post, but one I genuinely believe anyway.

First, the facts:

Most cats in the world are infected with a disease called toxoplasmosis. This disease is not harmful to them, but is very infectious to other mammals.

Something interesting happens when mice get infected with toxoplasmosis - it doesn't harm them per se, but instead, makes them permanently lose their fear of cats, and instead be mildly curious about them. This means that the infected mice will approach cats, who will then kill and eat them. This is beneficial for the virus because it reproduces in the gut of the cat.

We know that a large proportion of cat owners are also infected with toxoplasmosis. Again, as far as we know, there are no serious harmful effects on humans.

However, here's the conspiracy - we have proof that the virus alters the effects of some mammals, in a way that benefits the cats. I believe that humans that are infected with toxoplasmosis change their behaviour too, but rather than losing fear of cats (which we don't have), we instead... become "cat people". We love cats. We browse cat memes, because we think they're cute. We fill our houses with cats and feed them and look after them and do everything that we can to ensure their continued survival.

This explains a number of things, including:

-Why some people are so unbelievably infatuated with cats, but other people don't care about them at all. No other pet is as divisive as cats.

-Why cats tend to gravitate toward non "cat-people". It's a common trope that a cat will always come to sit on a person who is not interested in the cat. This is because the cat is attempting to infect the human with toxoplasmosis - there is no sense in sitting on an already infected host.

-No other animal is as loved by humans whilst providing so little. Dogs provide constant companionship, can be trained to do a variety of useful things, and genuinely seem to delight in human companionship. Cats do none of these things. Sure, cat owners will tell you the story about their beloved Tiddles who follows them to the bus stop and comes for cuddles, but don't listen to them. They are infected. They are already subservient to their feline masters.

If you're reading this, and thinking that it's preposterous and that you love your cat just because he's a lovely animal, then I am truly sorry. It is already too late for you.


I've heard of this, it's interesting. Especially the part about the cats gravitating towards people that don't like them, I've seen that a few times. I dunno though.

I'm a cat person but I also like dogs and animals period. More than humans really. Alot of people hate cats, mostly men and mostly because they just can't control them. I had a professor at the UW who hated cats when he loved all other animals, it was weird.
Holy shit this has some truth to it

When i had cats in the house I was OBSESSED with them. Spent hours and hours thinking about and playing with them, looking at cat pics, cat toys. When i got rid of all of them i was extremely sad for a while, like super duper sad, then after that initial feeling passed i have rarely if ever thought about them since and have no happy memories of them. Like an illness left me, almost. All they did was poop and scratch and honestly act confrontational.

Never ever look at cat memes or cat stuff anymore, and have no urge to.
i don't think you can uninfect yourself of the toxo whatever it is though. If it were, I'd know because I go months without seeing my cats (bro has them all) and I still love on them when I'm around.

Another thing is cats aren't recommended to aids patients because that is one of the opportunistic infections.
for those saying they don't give anything back, well cats found their way into europeans hearts during the bubonic plagues when, somehow, they realized that the plague was caused by rats and their fleas. Before that, they were superstitiously thought of as minions of the devil and crazy cat ladies were thought of as witches.

How cats came into contact with humans is theorized as starting when the egyptians had silos of grain that attracted rodents which then attracted cats and they were then worshipped as gods by the Egyptians. This is 10,000 years whereas dogs are estimated to have been domesticated from wolves for 50 so they are more tame in comparison. Of course, when dogs go nuts, depending on the breed, they can wreak more havoc but their instincts are further in the past in general.