International Conservatives has bigger fear center then liberals study finds


Purple Belt
Sep 27, 2008
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This study more or less explains all our political problems. In short, people who consider themselves conservative, has a larger amygdala, the fear center, then people who consider themselves liberals.

THIS IS NOT A BAD THING. Being afraid of things is a good evolutionary tool that helps survival.

It also explains why conservatives are more likely to feel fear/hate/anger against people that is not like them, fear of the unknown, and fear of change.

This part is important -
"There is a big unknown underlying these findings. Supposing that the size of one's amygdala really does increase the likelihood of being a conservative, is the size of the amygdala determined at birth, or does it perhaps increase with frightening childhood experiences, such as authoritarian parenting and corporal punishment?
Similarly, one might ask whether the gray matter difference is affected by exposure to educational challenge, social diversity, or childhood cognitive enrichment.

And this pretty much sums it all up -

"Meanwhile, the neuro-scientific fact of two very different political creatures helps clarify much of the political antics of modern democracies.
Most societies are divided into a party that wants change (the more liberal party) and one that is afraid of change (the conservatives). The liberal party is generally more intellectual and the conservative party is more anti-intellectual.
The conservative party is big on national defense and magnifies our perception of threat, whether of foreign aggressors, immigrants, terrorists, or invading ideologies like Communism. To a conservative, the world really is a frightening place.
Given that their brains are so different, it is hardly surprising that liberals and conservatives should spend so much time talking across each other and never achieving real dialogue or consensus.

Also doesn’t appear to jive with the data on military service…
This study more or less explains all our political problems. In short, people who consider themselves conservative, has a larger amygdala, the fear center, then people who consider themselves liberals.

THIS IS NOT A BAD THING. Being afraid of things is a good evolutionary tool that helps survival.

It also explains why conservatives are more likely to feel fear/hate/anger against people that is not like them, fear of the unknown, and fear of change.

This part is important -
"There is a big unknown underlying these findings. Supposing that the size of one's amygdala really does increase the likelihood of being a conservative, is the size of the amygdala determined at birth, or does it perhaps increase with frightening childhood experiences, such as authoritarian parenting and corporal punishment?
Similarly, one might ask whether the gray matter difference is affected by exposure to educational challenge, social diversity, or childhood cognitive enrichment.

And this pretty much sums it all up -

"Meanwhile, the neuro-scientific fact of two very different political creatures helps clarify much of the political antics of modern democracies.
Most societies are divided into a party that wants change (the more liberal party) and one that is afraid of change (the conservatives). The liberal party is generally more intellectual and the conservative party is more anti-intellectual.
The conservative party is big on national defense and magnifies our perception of threat, whether of foreign aggressors, immigrants, terrorists, or invading ideologies like Communism. To a conservative, the world really is a frightening place.
Given that their brains are so different, it is hardly surprising that liberals and conservatives should spend so much time talking across each other and never achieving real dialogue or consensus.

So conservatives have a bigger lizard brain. That explains a lot of things.
Why would anybody be shocked by this?

You mean people who are scared of the magic man in the sky have more fear?

You mean the people who are so scared to go outside, that they have to pack guns on their hips to do so are scared?

Snowflakes gonna snowflake
Why would anybody be shocked by this?

You mean people who are scared of the magic man in the sky have more fear?

You mean the people who are so scared to go outside, that they have to pack guns on their hips to do so are scared?

Snowflakes gonna snowflake

This is a good trait. Scandinavians ruined their countries by opening their borders, but now have changed their attitudes towards migrants and have clamped down on immigration. They wouldnt have mass bombings in Sweden if they restricted immigration from day 1.
This is why they get spooked easily by fear mongering and politicians run them over. They are the real snowflakes.
Gonna be able to make a snow man in this thread…
This is why they get spooked easily by fear mongering and politicians run them over. They are the real snowflakes.

Both sides are pussy snowflakes who are easily triggered into fear/rage fits. Hell, all I gotta do is start a thread on Trump and I'll have 10 pages of hysterical screaming liberals the next day. It's comically easy to push the buttons on both Libs and Cons and turn them into hysterical frothing dumbasses. Start saying some woke shit and it's guaranteed conservative rage fits. Mention abortion or immigration control and the Libs will have a meltdown.
Change for the sake of change is not progress. And not engaging it has nothing to do with fear.

Certainly the only thing you can count on is change. Nothing in existence is stagnant, it just appears that way from our perspective. YOU feel like you've always been YOU, but the reality is the actual cells in your body are different than they were 10 years ago.

While I agree that not all change is beneficial or good, I also believe that change is inevitable, therefore a balance of respect to both aspects must be given.

Like most things, balance is key. Progress could never be made if men were too scared to leave their cave, likewise progress can be destroyed by constantly yearning for change.
I'm not going to dig into the science here but these days all politics are driven by fear, left and right. If there was actually a middle it would be driven by fear too.

Is this a matter of degree and does it matter?
This could easily be a study on reckless stupidity and irresponsibility.
More accurately Conservatives likely have a different fear center than Liberals.