I still can't get over the amount of people that think Conor is headlining 200.
Pretty shitty and irresponsible of Conor to set that Iceland shit up a week too early. He knew he had to do this. So if huggers can grasp this concept. Isn't that exactly like Conor telling Zuffa to fuck right off ?
Fook them I'm not doing this shit. Let the other bums, and monkeys do it. If they dont like it ... too fooking bad. I'm Conor Fooking McGregor !
Poor guy is delusional. So while it was still in house. Zuffa bent over backwards to make this happen. Even though they knew Conor was telling them to fuck themselves already. An example of the preferential treatment only a handful of fighters would ever get.
So then Conor actually goes public when they told Conor to fuck himself. The second that happened his fate was sealed. There is NOTHING on this earth that even allows Zuffa to back down. They have ZERO choice. Unlike Conor who had more than one chance to do the right thing. But being the delusional egotistical guy he is. He thought he was the promotion, and marched to nobody else's tune.
He knows now that he means very little in the grand scheme. Fucking guy brought a knife to a gun fight.
DW clearly said Conor had to do all the promo work. Same as every other fighter on the card. Even Nate was there ffs. So even after saying no repeatedly yesterday. Is anyone in here seriously trying to imply the Zuffa is going to become the biggest bitches ever ? Casino owners with alleged mob ties ?
WHAT ???
Way too much brainless thinking in here. I imagine DW and the Bros sitting there and having this conversation.
DW - I offered him private planes, his gym equipment everything. I even offered to fly in that pool noodle goof. He says he isn't coming. Says he'll do NY.
BROS - This motherfuckin Mutt...Well it looks like we have a failure to communicate here. * reaches for intercom button *. Betty sweetie, we need a couple messengers. Get Freddie No Fucks, and Paulie The Pussy over here. I mean right fucking now. Thanks sweetie.
DW - Listen I know a message needs to be sent. But let's not get carried away. This isn't the good ole days.
Bros - This fuckin Mutt needs to go !
DW - I agree. He is a good earner though.
Bros - He is that. Still a fuckin mutt though.
DW - Let's just spank his ass in public til it's black and blue.
Bros - Yeah Benny The Button can fuck him up a bit. Nancy Kerrigan that fuckin mutt.
DW - No, what I mean is. Let's yank this selfish prick off the card... Message delivered to the whole world. No laws broken. It's a win/win.
Bros - No Fucks, and The Pussy are going to be disappointed. We haven't used muscle in a long time.
DW - Well if this little fuck tries to fuck us again ...
Bros - OK Dana, make it happen. Let the whole world know who runs mma on this planet. This fuckin mutt. Wants to war with us on fuckin Twitter, and FB. I still think the boys need to make sure this mutt gets the message. Shove his fuckin laptop up his fuckin ass. Tweet that you leprechaun lookin fuck.
DW - Sitting out of the biggest card and payday of his life should have the desired affect. He's going to look like a fool. And it'll keep the rest of these guys in line.
Bros - There are people buried out there for alot less.
That was fun. Of course it's fiction. But there is NO FUCKING WAY Conor is headlining 200.