Conor is on that s--- Charlie Sheen was on

I gotta steal this one sir lmao

They spelled “little” wrong, but you get the point.

And the irony is. As long as his pathetic fans keep eating up this shit. The longer it’s going to go on. They will be partly responsible for his eventual demise. Whether it’s jail, or actual death.
I have friends from Dublin and they have said to me "I don't do coke to get high, I do coke to drink more" lol.

Well drink and drugs Connor won't be fighting any time soon, and he shouldn't try either, no way that guy wins a meaningful fight.
Nah he's done sir, and if he gets in there he's gonna get KOd to Bolivian (pun intended) lol

His only chance is fighting a Cerrone type who is so overawed they forget how to fight. Or a straight can. Probably at 185 lol

Outside of that... yep, Conor is completely spent.
His only chance is fighting a Cerrone type who is so overawed they forget how to fight. Or a straight can. Probably at 185 lol

Outside of that... yep, Conor is completely spent.

Like a shooting star, it only lasts for a moment in time and then the atmosphere burns it out sir.

Atmosphere is working on Conor before our very eyes Mr Siver.