Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)


White Belt
May 10, 2008
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So, I have had some success in the past with supplementing my diet with 3-4 grams of CLA as a means of reducing excess flab (obviously in concert with exercise and healthy eating habits). I'm obviously not sure whether this was merely a placebo effect, which is entirely possible, or an actual effect of the supplement. Nonetheless, I am currently trying to work my weight down from 175-180 to 165ish, and it's been extremely difficult despite my training and so forth.

I'm wondering about the following things:

1) Anecdotal evidence of success with CLA and moderate weight loss
2) Studies about the effects of CLA (particularly on insulin resistance and cardiovascular health)
3) Combination with fish oil (possible interactions and so forth).

I'm taking fish oil for all of its benefits...


I was about to start the same exact thread. I've been taking 2 grams of Tonalin CLA daily for the last month and was wondering if it interfered with my fish oil absorbtion or anything like that at all...
I find it so difficult to measure the effects of a supplement when there are so many other factors at work.

Other supps, exercise quality, nutrition quality, genetics..
Its great for preventing cancer, that's about it
I don't know the answer to your question, but some of the other folks who have been starting threads like "I'm New to This, what should I eat" need to take note. Well put, specific question with a little bit of background some thought behind it. Thank you yeti, I was getting tired of the same shit over and over.
Thanks ronin...

So like I said, anecdotally speaking, I did have some subtle but noticeable results using CLA with a moderate workout regimen. It's really hard for me to tell, though, because frankly my diet discipline is inconsistent. It could very well have been a placebo effect where the mere taking of the pill encouraged me to be conscious of my eating habits in ways that I wasn't before. It's not that I eat pure shit, but moreso that I am not consistently careful.

Whatever "studies" I've seen on CLA appear to have mixed results. Some show a correlation between CLA intake and weight loss, but unfortunately you cannot assume causation based on that. Like a previous poster said, there could be other factors.

I cannot imagine that this would interact poorly with fish oil, given that they are both naturally occurring fats, but you never know. I also don't want to be doubling up inefficiently. If the better-researched supplement - fish oil - has the same effects CLA purports to have, then why bother with CLA?

just researching on CLA and i guess Fish oil is a better version of CLA??
I've seen a study where pigs fed with CLA shown a bit more lean mass and less bodyfat than normal ones.

The group taking CLA + Betaine had better results.

I can't find the english version of that study.