

Black Belt
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
I was playing soccer this morning and having a really good game when some no-talent ass clown blind sided me w/ a cheap shot check into the boards. Mind you, checking is not allowed in indoor soccer. My face hit the edge where the boards meet the glass and my head hit the glass, itself.

Fifteen minutes later, I woke up w/ an EMS crew standing over me. It was the first time I've been knocked out cold -- when I finally came to my senses a bit, I didn't even know what month it was, and got lucky on my answer of "2006" for the year.

Turns out, I got best case news. After X-rays and a CT scan, it was determined that I had no broken jaw, despite the fact it looks like I have a baseball sized dip in my mouth, no internal bleeding, and no fractured skull.

I do, however, have a concussion. I'm supposed to see my regular doctor in two to three days as follow-up and to get a timeframe for when I can lift weights and play sports again. I am planning on seeing him, but for those who have had concussions, what is a typical recovery time needed before one can resume regular athletic endeavors. I'm already stressing over having to miss workouts.
Concussions can vary alot. With mine, I was back in the gym the next day. Generally you mainly have to watch out for another concussion in the next month or two. So, getting hit is out but weights are generally okay fairly soon.

Even if he gives you a week off, you can probably use the brief respite from training. If you're as obsessive as I have a tendency to be, you probably haven't had an adequate unenforced break for some time I'm guessing.

Try not to let that sore jaw interfere with your protein intake. Feel better.
Thanks, KOU. You're right. I have a tough time getting myself to schedule breaks w/o a good reason, so, in all actuality, this will probably do me some good. I usually feel better after some time off, so I may as well use it to my advantage. And don't worry, protein shakes are about the only thing I can ingest without jaw pain -- I'm all good there.
I've had three cuncussios in my life and when i was playing football i took about a week off before i was able to do any hitting. I was fine after a week for all three of them.
Xandas said:
I've had three cuncussios in my life and when i was playing football i took about a week off before i was able to do any hitting. I was fine after a week for all three of them.

Thanks -- that makes me feel better.
about a month ago i had a real serious concussion in a rugby game. i was out cold for 10 minutes and had 3 bruises on the brain. i am not allowed in contact for 6 months and they do not want me to lift weights for another few weeks because the strain and extent of how you lift will give your head a rush and will affect your balance if u had a severe concussion.