Combat Submission Wrestling


Green Belt
Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
Anybody train in CSW, opinions, and do they compete in grappling tournaments.
Don't know exactly what you are refering to. Who's the instructor? Who is the biggest name in this grappling system.
Gomi, is, I suppose, the biggest name in official combat wrestling. Way more interesting to watch than ADCC any day. Much, much less stalling.
CSW is actually Erik Paulson's school, if I'm not mistaken.

Combat Grappling is a tournament they have in japan with different rules.
Soulfly said:
CSW is actually Erik Paulson's school, if I'm not mistaken.

Combat Grappling is a tournament they have in japan with different rules.
Ooops, missed the "S". They have a marginal deal of CW in the US, though. But yeah, Combat Submission Wrestling is Erik Paulson. I like his videos alot myself. I skip the takedown stuff, but the rest is great.
Is it that Japanese show that someone posted videos from a while ago? I think this guy is actually talking about someone calling their style Combat Submission Wrestling.

Anyway, most likely it's fine if the instructor is good, but I think it's more of a brand name than a style. Kind of like Gracie Jiu-jitsu is a brand name of BJJ.
its submission wrestling but without stalling.. i think they stand you back up if you stall..

but almost every fight ends with a submission... submission attempts i think are more points.

Kind of like Ricksons Budo
Ybot said:
Is it that Japanese show that someone posted videos from a while ago? I think this guy is actually talking about someone calling their style Combat Submission Wrestling.

Anyway, most likely it's fine if the instructor is good, but I think it's more of a brand name than a style. Kind of like Gracie Jiu-jitsu is a brand name of BJJ.

Well, its essentially a latter-day version of catch-as-catch-can. Catch-as-catch-can, incorporating the lessons of modern day MMA, basically.
found an olde articel about it and here were the ways to score..Note pins do not end the match only give bigger points...
A description of CW point system is as follows:

4 points for a perfect throw
3 points for a near perfect throw
2 points for a takedown
2 points for the top mount
1 point for the guard
1 point for mounting the opponent's back
1 point for a catch (attempting a submission)
10sec - 19sec: 1 point
20sec - 29sec: 3 points
30sec and above: 4 points
People would still do a throw and pin. Then switch pin. Then Pin again.
Soul I think a pin is a pin is a pin..for example in wrestling if i have you say in a hlf nelson(a side control position) and get my back points(3) but dont pin you, then i swith to double grapevine while still holding you on your back(full mount) I DONT get awarded any more points. I still only have those 3 from earlier. The only way to score from back points again would be if you got back to your belly and then I turned you over again a seperate time.

I am assuming that a similar rule applies here. so if I get you in a pin I only score based on the number of seconds I hold you not the number of positions I hold you in. In this case it does appear that I WOULD score an ADDITIONAL 2 points for getting full mount on you but other than that the most I could score with a pin would be 4.
knoxpk said:
Soul I think a pin is a pin is a pin..for example in wrestling if i have you say in a hlf nelson(a side control position) and get my back points(3) but dont pin you, then i swith to double grapevine while still holding you on your back(full mount) I DONT get awarded any more points. I still only have those 3 from earlier. The only way to score from back points again would be if you got back to your belly and then I turned you over again a seperate time.

I am assuming that a similar rule applies here. so if I get you in a pin I only score based on the number of seconds I hold you not the number of positions I hold you in. In this case it does appear that I WOULD score an ADDITIONAL 2 points for getting full mount on you but other than that the most I could score with a pin would be 4.

True. Thank you.
did ya ryan?
How bout BJJ, what would you say are the similarities and differnces from each?
More specifically how do THEY attack guard from the top and how do they attack from bottome when in the guard?

I guess I should ask, how long did you do it?
On a side note, Erik Paulsons CSW instructional vids is really freaking good!
knoxpk said:
did ya ryan?
How bout BJJ, what would you say are the similarities and differnces from each?
More specifically how do THEY attack guard from the top and how do they attack from bottome when in the guard?

I guess I should ask, how long did you do it?

The main difference between shoot/catch/combat wrestling and BJJ is the emphasis on constantn movement and greater aggression, less emphasis on guard/mount/side-mount and of course, it is much more wrestling intensive.

I mean, for instance, right now, I am training in catch-as-catch-can, more than anything, I've trained takedown to submission transititions...very little "isolated" ground-game...takedowns, wrestling and submissions are blended into one...of course, catch varies place to place.

But I mean, compared to the amount of time I've sent on a foot-lock from the single to the time I've spent practicing moves from the guard...well, the latter has been minimal.
knoxpk said:
did ya ryan?
How bout BJJ, what would you say are the similarities and differnces from each?
More specifically how do THEY attack guard from the top and how do they attack from bottome when in the guard?

I guess I should ask, how long did you do it?

well i started in jkd and csw and after about a year my instructor started training at a local gracie barra. i asked him about it and i came along and now im pretty much bjj.
there are alot of similarities between no gi bjj and csw.
from the bit of freestyle wrestling ive done i could best describe it as no gi bjj with some good clinch work and takedowns.
my instructor taught it to us as a big umbrella of styles so strking would be allowed sometimes as well.
my jkd instructor dave was certified under dan inosanto and eric paulson.

the only reason i left was i wanted to take a year out and concentrate entirely on bjj and let everything else take a back burner.
maybe because im a retard but i struggled to learn stuff as it was taught in an "mma" syllabus.
i would rather just concentrate on boxing or thai or bjj than learning them all in one night because i felt like i was walking away not owning the moves.

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