Colton vs Ricci - the propaganda machine at work


Orange Belt
Feb 10, 2007
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The pre-fight background videos were very biased and it was clear whom the UFC wanted the audience to cheer for:
1. Colton appeared to be an active American Ranger who helps and trains with his fellow soldiers and hangs out with his wife and 2 kids on (his backyard's?) playground.
2. Ricci trains with top tier Canadian athletes, having champagne with his gf in a beautiful kitchen (=> expensive house/condo) and go on fine dates with her (=> expensive restaurants with that kind of dress code?).

I'm Canadian and this made me cheer for Colton wholeheartedly. Props to the UFC propaganda machine. That's some awesome video directing and editing :)
maybe that is just how it is. Maybe Colton is just a lot more likeable.
So they can sway the weak-minded, is what you're getting at?
The propaganda machine does not cover up the atrocity that the fight was
Except Ricci was a 3-1 favorite on the betting lines, and virtually everyone hated Colton based on his attitude on TUF, and everyone loved Ricci.
Lol - the UFC propaganda machine sucks then because most are so butthurt by Colton winning.
Lol - the UFC propaganda machine sucks then because most are so butthurt by Colton winning.
I think they're butthurt because of the fashion in which he won. If anything it actually showed how good Colton's main strength is, which is his wrestling.
Mike Ricci is the new Rory Macdonald. His next prefight video will show him shopping clothes with Rory and drinking decaf frappuccinos.
Except Ricci was a 3-1 favorite on the betting lines, and virtually everyone hated Colton based on his attitude on TUF, and everyone loved Ricci.

Ah I see, I didn't watch TUF so I didn't know.
Im pretty sure Dana would've preferred Ricci over than another point-grappler
Ricci was just as much of a tool on the show. "I'm so above Julian yet look at how I acted during the Michael Hill situation." Ricci saying things like "If he's got a problem and wants to be a little bitch about it" showed his true colors. Why be a corny fuck?
I like Ricci, but I didnt see his stile going well with Colton. That said, Ricci cuts to 155 and starts making it happen.
The pre-fight background videos were very biased and it was clear whom the UFC wanted the audience to cheer for:
1. Colton appeared to be an active American Ranger who helps and trains with his fellow soldiers and hangs out with his wife and 2 kids on (his backyard's?) playground.
2. Ricci trains with top tier Canadian athletes, having champagne with his gf in a beautiful kitchen (=> expensive house/condo) and go on fine dates with her (=> expensive restaurants with that kind of dress code?).

I'm Canadian and this made me cheer for Colton wholeheartedly. Props to the UFC propaganda machine. That's some awesome video directing and editing :)
I'm American and have been in the military for almost 20 years... I was cheering for Ricci... he's a thousand times more interesting to watch fight than Colton IMO. Nothing against Colton for repping the US military, but IMO he lays it on a little're right about those pre fight videos though, there seemed to be a definite slant with they way they were edited.
Ah I see, I didn't watch TUF so I didn't know.

You missed out on all the Colton hate then.

A) He sucker-shoots a double leg on his fight to get into the house, teaching everyone that glove taps are for suckers.
B) After winning a boring split decision he salutes the camera. He does this several times during the season and it is never not awkward.
C) In every single interview he reminds the audience that he is a ranger. Every. Single. Interview.
D) In the finale he kicks Ricci square in the balls and shoots a double. He maintains he is not a dirty fighter regardless of this.

And my favourite part?

Colton was once arrested for fighting. That in itself really isn
Ricci seems to be very well off based on that pre-fight video, but he can't make that much at this stage in his career, right? So is he coming from money like Bj Penn? Or is his gf rich?
The pre-fight background videos were very biased and it was clear whom the UFC wanted the audience to cheer for:
1. Colton appeared to be an active American Ranger who helps and trains with his fellow soldiers and hangs out with his wife and 2 kids on (his backyard's?) playground.
2. Ricci trains with top tier Canadian athletes, having champagne with his gf in a beautiful kitchen (=> expensive house/condo) and go on fine dates with her (=> expensive restaurants with that kind of dress code?).

I'm Canadian and this made me cheer for Colton wholeheartedly. Props to the UFC propaganda machine. That's some awesome video directing and editing :)

I noticed that the pre-fight videos were very black-and-white, trying to clearly define the two guys as being polar opposites. For my part, it didn't make me root for Colton any more or less - he already lost me as a fan with the fake glove touch/takedown and his Askren-y fights on the show. Perhaps if I didn't see the show, this promo was meant to sway me to his side; it may have worked if it wasn't so oversimplified.

My only guess as to why they did this in the first place was perhaps because they figured since the show had such low ratings, many people who tuned in to the finale had little idea of who the finalists were, and so they decided to cut a very straight-forward promo that simplified the storyline of the fight for the disinterested viewer.